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Longpoint - MD KDF event

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Das Bill on 2011-01-26, 20:15:01 ---
Well, David was in my ring, so I was one of the judges for him. I'm hoping no one thinks I was biased on his, as I certainly did my best to be completely impartial.

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I think you're fine. I doubt anyone would raise an issue there.

--- Quote from: Das Bill on 2011-01-26, 20:15:01 ---Welcome to the world of competitive fencing. It's a game, and a huge amout of that game is figuring out what tricks others are going to play with. That's why so many people have been reluctant to adopt the use of tournaments in WMA. I confess that I used to be more against big tournaments, but I'm coming around. I like how Jake introduced the tournaments and even made a point of saying these are ways of encouraging martial spirit, but are still only a sidebar to martial training. If people keep it in that light, then I like the idea of large tournaments.

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Yep, that's always been my hesitation as well. And you guys are right, competitions are inevitable, and this is an opportunity to help steer it in the right direction. I'll probably compete again next year, but I regret not having a chance to do any free play this time. I think organized free play periods would be just as valuable (and combing it with lunch doesn't really work, IMHO).

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Das Bill on 2011-01-26, 06:19:15 ---Maybe eventually there will be an armoured tournament, but as Ed said, to do armoured combat right is really, really dangerous. The point of actual armoured combat is to attack where the armour doesn't protect you. When we do any form of free play in armour at VAF, we leave out a lot of techniques. I suspect if an armoured tournament happened, they'd have to rule out even more techniques. This is why it's so important in WMA that we don't completely focus on the sport aspect alone, otherwise we end up with something that is very different from the reality of combat in favor of necessary safety rules.

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I would *LOVE* to do some armoured combat. Wouldn't matter to me if it used the same "striking" ruleset as unarmored, in that strikes to almost anywhere are valid "hits" and it wouldn't have everyone trying to go to ground and dagger wrestle. The thrill for me would simply be combat in armor - even if it's similar to SCA combat - but without large shields and "club" swords.

As mentioned, the sounds of swords striking metal would make things quite hard to judge. Then there's the aspect of repairing dents, etc, that gets into a whole other world of muddy mess. It could make for quite the spectator event, though.

Sir William:
I think I'm of the same mind as Sir James...

Das Bill:
Well, you don't have to have a tournament to do armoured combat. :) After all, we do it without tournaments at VAF, as do many WMA groups.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-01-27, 17:15:30 ---I would *LOVE* to do some armoured combat. Wouldn't matter to me if it used the same "striking" ruleset as unarmored, in that strikes to almost anywhere are valid "hits" and it wouldn't have everyone trying to go to ground and dagger wrestle. The thrill for me would simply be combat in armor - even if it's similar to SCA combat - but without large shields and "club" swords.

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Truly I have often envisioned that at some future date when our order has grown to the point when we could have gatherings and social events I would love to see us armor up for a tournament.  :)


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