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Epic Sword/Medieval Movie List

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Sir William:
Sir James, thank you for the Black Knight reference, I did like that movie, it was entertaining.  Although for me, I would've preferred had it been more serious but then, it wouldn't have starred Martin Lawrence.

Henry V w/Kenneth Branagh I actually did see it and not sure why I'd forgotten it...for its time, it was excellent.

Eragon...I suppose I'll catch some flack for this but that movie was just plain AWFUL.  Talk about a major departure from the source material...and I hold Paolini at fault because he was there on-set and should've pushed harder for them to be more true to the book which was much better, though derivative.

Tristan & Isolde was a good one, I liked it quite a bit.  The girl who played Isolde was in Outlander and appeared to be quite skilled in sword and shield tactics.

Rob Roy was good...that swordfight in the end was visceral.

Ivanhoe...a childhood favorite of wasn't until I saw it recently that I realized their helms were more football-inspired than I'd originally thought.

I've not seen Becket, the Lion in Winter or The Holy Grail but it is on my list...

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
 :o :o You`ve never seen Monty Python`s "The Holy Grail"  :o :o


Yes Eragon is plain awfull imho, but my daughter enjoyed it so she felt it deserved a mention, and who am I to argue with her logic lol :-\


Sir William:
Oh, Monty Python, yes, I have seen that.  Loved it for the comedy, should've picked up on that, my bad!

LOL @ daughter logic

No, one cannot argue with that.  Having daughters I know this implicitly- but my youngest has the same sentiment, having introduced the books to me, she was equally disappointed in the film.  But for one who never read the books, it would seem fantastical, I think.

Sir Patrick:

--- Quote ---Ivanhoe...a childhood favorite of wasn't until I saw it recently that I realized their helms were more football-inspired than I'd originally thought.
--- End quote ---

I know what you mean.  The A&E version that came out about ten years ago was really good.  Probably my favorite version of the tale.

Sir William:
I'll see if I can't find that one...I happened to catch Steven Waddington as the Duke of Buckingham in the Tudors and as Templar Grandmaster Torroja in Arn, the Knight Templar; he's an excellent actor, as is Ciaran Hinds (he played Bois Guilbert, also played Caesar in the HBO show Rome) and Christopher Lee ( aka Saruman, played Beaumanoir).  The version I saw starred John Rhys-Davies (aka Gimli) as Front de Boeuf and a young Sam Neill as Brian de Bois-Guilbert; I thought his was an excellent choice.


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