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Epic Sword/Medieval Movie List

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Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: The Red Knight on 2010-11-12, 21:01:54 ---
--- Quote ---Ivanhoe...a childhood favorite of wasn't until I saw it recently that I realized their helms were more football-inspired than I'd originally thought.
--- End quote ---

I know what you mean.  The A&E version that came out about ten years ago was really good.  Probably my favorite version of the tale.

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I have the 1982 version on DVD, which is probably my favorite version. It was surprisingly accurate with the armor and helms which was actually one of the primary inspirations for developing the crest on my great helm. This version also was loaded with some potent stars of the past and future.  James Mason, Sam Neil, Olivia Hussey and John Rhys-Davies. The sword fighting was a bit weak as was the siege but still a great remake.  :)

Sir William:
Sir Brian, that's the one I saw first, the '82 version.  Did you notice that their coifs (and generally speaking, their mail) were shiny cloth rather than steel?

Sir Brian:
Well of course it was cloth or "Hollywood Maille" as I like to think of it, which isn’t really all that bad IMO since we can't expect actors to spend 12 + hours in armor. I hardly hold it against Hollywood for what they actually make the maille out of as long as it is cut and worn appropriately for the time period they are going for and not embellished with fantasy or blatant out of period pieces like paulderons during the late 12th century. BTW, the vendor at the MDRF that made John's Raven helm has a nice harness of Knitted Maille that looks excellent from 5 feet away.  ;)

The LOTR movies was one of the first I believe to use actual PVC maille which was certainly a step up, although the one scene during the Two Towers at the siege of Helms Deep the maille that Gimli put on certainly made a good solid metallic thump sound when he dropped it so maybe that was a prop just for that scene.  :-\

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2010-11-18, 19:12:46 ---Well of course it was cloth or "Hollywood Maille" as I like to think of it, which isn’t really all that bad IMO since we can’t expect actors to spend 12 + hours in armor. BTW, the vendor at the MDRF that made John’s Raven helm has a nice harness of Knitted Maille that looks excellent from 5 feet away.  ;)

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Oh yeah, Chuck from Highland Anvil. He does have a set of that, I had nearly forgotten. That's true, it's hard to imagine a long filming shoot where you'd have to be in armor for 12 to 16 hours at a time, for weeks. :)

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2010-11-18, 19:12:46 ---The LOTR movies was one of the first I believe to use actual PVC maille which was certainly a step up, although the one scene during the Two Towers at the siege of Helms Deep the maille that Gimli put on certainly made a good solid metallic thump sound when he dropped it so maybe that was a prop just for that scene.  :-\

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I don't think you can trust the sounds at all. Most of them are edited in. It's amazing to see what lengths go to for the "foley" sounds, where they create custom sounds just for characters walking and so forth that are so subtle you're not consciously aware of them when you're watching the film. But without them, the scene would seem fake. Sounds like the rustling of clothes, rubbing up against furniture, footsteps, and so on. All faked.

Sir William:
I suppose...I usually rail at others who look for historicity in a Hollywood project so I should keep that in mind. LOTR it looked good and you're right, it sounded exactly like a heavy hauberk hitting the ground.  Sir Edward does make a point tho- they can dub in anything and make it seem like it belonged.

But if I ever had the pleasure of being in a movie, I think I'd opt for real armor.  It is stated in the LOTR production notes that Viggo (Aragorn) actually went out into the woods and slept in his armor and gear, so he could get used to the feel of it.  I'd do just that.  :)


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