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Creating a society/order?
Sir Brian:
Well done Edward! I think you’ve covered most of the important aspects of laying down the foundation of our order.
If I may I would like to address this concern I’ve been reading in some other posts and that is the question of knighthood. Many may feel unsure what constitutes as what and when it is appropriate to be given the accolade of knighthood.
I will answer that question with a question:
When did you decide you were a man? When did you determine that you were a responsible adult? Was it when the government/society determined it so when you lived for so many years? No, we come to that particular realization after we had to make some difficult and poignant decisions in our lives. In essence you just “KNEW”.
Therefore I propose as to when an initiate is deemed to be worthy a knight is when they decide. – No matter what their age and as for the bestowing of the accolade itself? – Historically it only required another knight to bestow knighthood upon a squire and it was only later that cost and pageantry of the knighting became less common.
As an alternative I suggest that we carefully explain this to future initiates and then when they feel they are ready they can then ask a knight to bestow the knighthood upon him in the presence of three other knights. This would also compel those already knighted to be familiar with whatever knighting ceremony we adapt.
~ my two cents ~ :-\
Yeah, what Id be worried about with that name is a rogue frenchman arriving and correcting us on our pronunciations... Or, God forbid, a rogue Frenchman arriving and TAUNTING us!!!!!! :o
and to Brian, I understand what you are getting at, But IMO someone should meet some qualification of a sort, required time in the order, passing a test, proving ones valor, displaying a following of the tenets of chivalry, ect.
Sir Edward:
BTW, I checked the "KOM" abbreviate against Urban Dictionary, and there are only some minor gaming references, so we're clear here:
I'd also suggest we use the single-L version of "Marshal" since that seems most common in reference to William Marshal.
Anyway, back to knighting... I think Sir Brian raises excellent points here. I'm still torn on the idea of whether to have some specific requirement that must also be fulfilled, but perhaps that's covered by having to convince three other knights to do the accolade. :) If you can't get three to knight you, you've clearly overlooked something. So it's a bit self-balancing.
We do need to remember that we're keeping this fairly low-key, and a lot rides on the "honor system" so to speak. We don't want to overload it with rules, and busy work to do to earn titles.
I think Sir Brian's suggestion will work for me. I'd love to hear more thoughts on it, of course.
well I could see how it would work out.
I think our knights them should have a course or a guideline system where they are taught how to judge who would make a good knight, or something like that. You know, teach them to say no if we have a bad apple and such.
and maybe we should make initial entry then a little selective, since it takes honorable people to make the honor system work ;)
Sir Brian:
Ah but my good sir that IS the point! - 'the proof of the pudding is in the eating' and 'the blood will out'or to use a more biblical phrase, 'You can tell a tree by its fruit'. A man's deeds and bearing will show through. If you were to ask me to knight you at this very moment I would have to say no because I do not know you well enough. I can only know about someone by having discourse with them. That is really all I'm suggesting. Let us get to know each other as men sharing a common desire to improve upon ourselves with honor, integrity, generosity, valor and forbearance. Whatever we learn from this journey let us always remember that sometimes we are the student and sometimes we are the teacher, all have value and we are all equal when we come together as brothers in the pursuit of our chivalric ideals.
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