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Creating a society/order?
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: The Red Knight on 2010-11-08, 04:10:55 ---Just found an Order of the Marshall on Facebook. It's a page for anyone with Marshall as a first, middle, or last name. Bummer.
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We'll have to decide if that's enough of a conflict to not use it. It looks like the facebook page is just an informal group page and not a formalized organization.
We could come up with a few alternates, and put it to a vote. But then, so far it sounds like everyone is liking this name as it is.
Sir William:
I don't see it as you say, theirs is an informal group whereas we will have a charter with a focus; just my two cents, such as it is.
Sir Edward:
OK, sample charter/bylaws/document is started. I colorized some parts in red to indicate they're completely up in the air and I only stubbed something out, or there's more than one way to do it and we'll need to decide. The rest of it is all still up in the air too, of course. Since we're still discussing everything.
As far as I'm concerned, I think everyone who is contributing to the discussion here can probably be considered founding members. Once we have it all assembled and underway, any new members would have to come in under the rules.
Another good question to ask-- Do we start as knights, or have to earn that? If the latter, I guess the first "commander" would be an Initiate Commander instead of a Knight Commander... lol :)
We can change all the terminology too. I just wanted to get the ball rolling on writing it all down in one place.
Yeah, even on FB, groups are somewhat illegal when used like that, or is that some other category ???
anyway, I'm sure that they're not going to sue, considering that it is a group on facebook. And I really don't think were gonna piss off all of those individuals named Marshall for stepping on the toes of their favorite FB group....
If the order of the marshall name gets shot down (who knows, the FB page creator is probably a sue-happy lawyer....) I would propose the name
Knights of the New Chivalry. I wanted to keep the word modern out of it, since knight and that word dont mix well IMO
It also looks really cool written in french, which is I remember was the language most associated w/ high chivalry.
Chevaliers de la chevalerie nouvelle
Now if only I could figure out how to pronounce that..... :P
BTW, thanks Ed for the welcome. :)
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2010-11-08, 21:18:57 ---Now if only I could figure out how to pronounce that..... :P
BTW, thanks Ed for the welcome. :)
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I'd have to demonstrate in person. :) (and mangle it in the process)
And, no problem!
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