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Creating a society/order?
Sir Matthew:
I agree with Sir Brian's requirements for Knighting. I would tend to think that most of us who are drawn to this are much harder on ourselves than anyone else is. The suggestion of having at least three knights participate does lend a sort of ballance to any who would jump the gun, so to speak.
Sure. And I completely understand, and to be frank, expected and am grateful that one of our founding knights wouldn't knight a guy he's really only met once at a Renaissance fair. Granted, that IS where I suspect most to-be-knights will be from, but I can assume that we all get the point.
I'm just happy to know that there will be a level of selectivity in this. There were bad knights historically, but they sure weren't order material!
I just know that there are times when talking people into "sponsoring" you or some smiler activity to get into some club or whatever was far too easy.
I simply want to make sure that's not us.
And don't get me wrong, I support almost everything you said, especially the improving of oneself. I think that should be one of the golden rules of our order. And I'm sure just by the kind of people whom this speaks to, and from what I've seen of this so far, that we really shouldn't have to worry about problems like that. I only speak for the exception to the rule, and Justin Kase. :D
Sir Patrick:
Excellent work on the charter, Sir Edward! Thank you for undertaking that important piece of business. I hope you don't mind, but I'm nominating you to be the first Knight Commander of the Order (assumming I actually can make a nomination). Sir Brian, I agree with you as well about someone asking for the accolade when they feel they are ready, and having a group of existing knights concur. I do feel it is important to have some kind of minimum amount of time in the Order before knighting occurs, however. I think it gives the potential inititate a chance to really find out if what we are doing is for him/her, and it gives the current knights a chance to get to know this person so as to make an informed decision when the time for knighting arrives. I'm loving how easily this all seems to be falling into place, and the respectful dialogues we are having (all over this board, not just on this topic). It is a true reflection of the kind of people that chose to be members of this forum, and the kind of people who will ultimately make up the the Order.
EDIT for typos 11/09/10
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: The Red Knight on 2010-11-09, 03:27:51 ---Excellent work on the charter, Sir Edward! Thank you for undertaking that important piece of business. I hope you don't mind, but I'm nominating you to be the first Knight Commander of the Order (assumming I actually can make a nomination).
--- End quote ---
Thanks, and I don't mind. :) I was thinking that's another step we'll need to discuss. When getting the ball rolling, we will need to figure out how to handle the first few accolades and who is the first Knight Commander, and what schedule to hold the elections (perhaps have a November election just like US elections). :)
--- Quote from: The Red Knight on 2010-11-09, 03:27:51 ---I'm loving how easily this all seems to be falling into place, and the respectful dialogues we are having (all over this board, not just on this topic). It is a true reflection of the kind of people that chose to be members of this forum, and the kind of people who will ultimately make up the the Order.
--- End quote ---
Same here. I'm loving how civil and respectful things have always remained on this forum, and how much everyone seems to be on the same page with this discussion in particular. You all rock. Every one of you.
Sir William:
I don't feel as if I could add anything constructive that hasn't already been said, kudos to all of you for that. I second the notion to nominate Sir Edward as our first Knight Commander...I think it would be fair to say that w/out him, this group of knightly individuals would not be enjoying the cameraderie we currently do because of this site and his vision of what knighthood truly embodies.
I like what you've done so far w/the charter, Sir Edward.
Sir Brian...I would kindly request that you disengage yourself from my inner mind as it seems you're saying what I was thinking re: manhood. Well said, Sir!
I also like the idea of a prospective knight requesting sponsorship from current knights, maybe not three, perhaps a primary and a second, w/the KC performing the Accolade, in the presence of all of the knights, if at all possible.
In fact, that could be one of the events for which we all assemble...
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