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Creating a society/order?

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Sir William:
I am of the mind that, once a knight, always a knight and you have been dubbed a knight already.  Induction into an order is another thing, since it is your order, I think the 3 of us that you knight can swear an oath of recognition and fealty to our new Knight Commander (you).

I'm looking at it like this- you have already been dubbed a knight; from that point on, you are a knight no matter where you find yourself.  I don't feel that you need to be inducted into your own order- if it were not for you, none of us would be here now, on this site- preparing to join your Order.

However, I suspect you do like the ceremonial aspects (as do we all) so that's all to the good as well.  In short, do as you like- we shall support it.  :)

Sir Brian:
I am in agreement with Sir William insofar as once a knight always a knight. However I can certainly understand and wholeheartedly agree that some form of ceremony is required with the start of a new order and the raising of the order’s first Knight Commander.

Perhaps those newly knighted members could then conduct a separate and different ceremony of raising you up to the station of Knight Commander along with some token of the new position?

I was thinking perhaps using the challenge coin as a pendant and add it to your knight’s chain. All order members could have the garter but only the KC would have the challenge coin pendant.  :-\

Sir William:
Sir Brian, I like that...the newly belted knights can then raise up their KC.  I like the challenge coin/pendant idea as well.  What say you, Sir Edward?

If we do do that, it'd be nice if we had the pendant ready for the ceremony. 

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-05-19, 14:19:59 ---Perhaps those newly knighted members could then conduct a separate and different ceremony of raising you up to the station of Knight Commander along with some token of the new position?

--- End quote ---

I like this idea. I think that Sir Edward should knight the other members first, as they haven't received an accolade from any other organization (that I know of), their giving Sir Edward the accolade first seems backwards, as he is the only one knighted elsewhere at this point.

Sir Edward:

That's not a bad idea. Anyone have any suggestions as to how that part of the ceremony should differ?


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