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Creating a society/order?

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Sir William:
An idea.

Upon completion of the knighting ceremony, perhaps the newly knighted can then swear oaths of loyalty to the Order, and to the first Knight Commander of said Order, Lord Edward of Toton, something like that?

I mean, we should give it the gravitas we receive during the accolade, no?  Something like:

"I, Sir Your Name Here do solemnly swear to uphold the Order with all honor and chivalry, and agree to abide by the rulings of the Knight Commander as well as the bylaws of said Order as they are written and shall discharge my duties as a Knight of the Order of the Marshal with all of the honesty and integrity I possess as a Knight and as Head of my House."

Or something very like.  Ideas, thoughts, suggestions, criticisms?

Sir Brian:
Hmm we can work the fealty oath to the KC after this perhaps?

I was thinking that one of us new knights could officiate by addressing all present  that as a new order we would now raise up one among us to bear the mantle of leadership for our knightly order. He (Sir William or I) should mention that as representatives of our order we will preside over the ceremony and see that the will of the order is fulfilled.

The candidate should then be called forth to and kneel before the two officiating knights.

Knight One: “"Who comes before us seeking the mantle of Leadership?"”

KC: “"I do! Sir Edward ..." (and whatever applicable titles you wish to add).

Knight Two: “"Whom do you seek to Serve?"”

KC: “"My brethren both great and small in station within the Order of the Marshall."”

Both Knights in Unison: “"And how will you command them?"”

KC: “"In Honor, Chivalry, Truth and righteous Humility."”

Knight One addressing the entire Order: “"Brethren do you accept Sir Edward as your Knight Commander of our Order? Signify your consent with an AYE".

Knight Two presents the knight’s chain with the Knight Commander Pendant and places it around the Knight Commander's neck.

Knight One and Two in Unison: "Arise Sir Edward and accept our homage and our oaths of fealty."

--- Quote ---"I, Sir Your Name Here do solemnly swear to uphold the Order with all honor and chivalry, and agree to abide by the rulings of the Knight Commander as well as the bylaws of said Order as they are written and shall discharge my duties as a Knight of the Order of the Marshal with all of the honesty and integrity I possess as a Knight and as Head of my House."
--- End quote ---

What do you all think?

Sir Edward:
I like it. I'm horrible with memorization, so I'm thinking some scrolls are in order. :)

Since we don't currently have a medallion, perhaps just a symbolic chain will suffice? I can bring a box-chain I made a while back.

(to those who don't have access to the Order's forum area, this is all coming right on the heals of working out the ceremony for knighting the other knights, and a certificate design to give them)

Sir William:
I like Sir Brian's a good deal better than mine own...I put forth that his is the delivery we go with.  I don't think a colee will be necessary for you, Sir Edward.

Sir Wolf:
ah well then, i don't have to be at the knighting ceremony since i dont need to be knighted ;) i mean i reeeeeealllllyyyy wanna come and see you guys but sigh, kids come first. i can just oath to the new order.


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