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Creating a society/order?
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-05-17, 21:14:12 ---and i bet if u look real hard you'll find a 10 year old pizza like we did when we moved u out of your dads house ehhehehe
--- End quote ---
Hah! Impossible. I only lived there for about 2 years. Pictures or it didn't happen. :)
Boy, we're really off topic now.
Sir William:
THAT story begs telling Sir Edward...we await you!
Sir Patrick:
Maybe he was saving for a siege ???
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-05-18, 15:17:03 ---THAT story begs telling Sir Edward...we await you!
--- End quote ---
Nah, nothing to tell. I lived at my dad's place for a couple of years between college and the working world, and lots of folks came to help me move. And it was only when we were loading the truck that we realized how much there was to move. My dad kept magically turning up more boxes. Some of which were things I didn't think were mine... you know... "while you're at it, you can have this too!" Hehe. :)
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-05-13, 14:42:59 ---I can't believe it slipped my mind that you have already received the Accolade, Sir Edward; so you're a Knight already. We just need you to dub us!
--- End quote ---
... And to get this back on topic...
I did want to reply to this again and clarify. I was knighted in another organization (a long time ago, and it doesn't exist anymore, and mostly just to justify having me create an Order for others to be knighted into, etc)... but I haven't been knighted into this Order.
A person could be a Knight of Columbus, or a Knight of the Garter, but until we knight them, they're not a Knight of the Marshal. So I need the ceremony too, whichever way you look at it.
The question then becomes, what order do we do the ceremonies? Should someone knight me first so that I can then turn around and knight everyone else? Or the other way around? :)
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