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Creating a society/order?

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Sir Matthew:
I would tend to agree that the time limit doesn't need to be hard and fast. Since we require two members of the Order to sponsor someone, I think when you can convince two members you are ready and they agree, you have met the requirement. More important for me in terms of time is not limiting how long someone has to assemble a kit. Gathering everything needed is expensive and time consuming. Not everyone who has a real interest and has something worthy of contributing will be able to meet kit requirements within a year, some make take several and if they are anything like me, will continue to change, add to and develope entirely new kits as time passes. These members should not be excluded from participating because they are having to assemble kit slowly, although I do not think they should be elivated to Knight until they have a least a passable "soft" kit. Some discussion of what this entails may be needed, too.

Sir Edward:

Oh yes, I agree that we shouldn't have a time limit at the other end, a maximum time so to speak. If people had one year to get their kit together, or they're out, I don't think that's fair at all. That's why whenever appropriate, I wrote in the bylaws that you can remain there (such as being an Initiate) for as long as you want or need. From my point of view, it makes you a member, even if not a voting one, and it's OK for people to stay there. In fact, we could consider renaming it to something "nicer" if we want to remove the association of it being only for newbies. Acolyte, Scholar, all sorts of possibilities.

About the video games, I agree completely. There's nothing wrong with playing them (I'm frequently finding one game or another I like too), it's just that today's youth often takes it to extremes and places too much importance on it. But really, we have some segment of the adult population that's just as bad. Someone at work recently was talking about someone he knew who lost his marriage over online games...   :'(

Sir William:
Well, I can't say I ever played THAT longest was like 12 or 13 hours and that was a long time ago.  I don't have the stamina (or time lol) any longer.  At the very least, you'll never hear of ME dying from malnutrition and dehydration because of WoW.  lol

Sir Edward:

...Or committing suicide, or alienating your wife, hopefully. :)

I've had some long gaming sessions, but I've never played straight through the night. I've lost a lot of sleep from not being able to turn my brain off afterward, on occasion though.

BTW, I received an email from the "International Heraldry and Heralds" website about exchanging links. I added a whole heraldry section on the links page. Here's their site (with some good info, I might add):

It looks like they also have a page about William Marshal (I haven't read it yet):

Sir William:
Right.  Falling on my sword seems too ignominious an end for one such as myself.  And my wife likes the fact that I'm a gamer...since it keeps me indoors most nights I can see why.  ;)  So we're all good there.  Fully understand not being able to turn off the brain...especially when you're exploring tactical options for a given situation.

Great links, reading the Marshal one now.


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