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Creating a society/order?

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Sir Wolf:
hhehehe we will stand by to cut your head off if you falter

Sir James (Fiat Lux):
On the topic of younger/newer members, the Fiat Lux ensures that every new adult member goes through a minimum 90 day squiring period, with various objectives and goals that need to be accomplished within that timeframe. To be accepted as a squire, a candidate needs simply a sponsoring knight and someone to second their nomination. Maximum time limit is one calendar year - if life's getting in the way, let us know, but if one is just sitting around getting nothing done, then they have to go through the process again from scratch. A stalwart candidate can get through everything in 90 days, (it took me about 100, myself) and should ideally take no longer than 5-6 months.

The squiring process is, again, for all new adult members, from 21+, regardless of years of service in our youth program.

Divorces? Suicide? Man, and I thought the gaming-through the weekend (yes, with no breaks) parties were bad. :o
And nice pages.
And has anyone else noticed the cool little order plug under our names? Kudos Sir Ed on another great idea.  :)

Sir Ancelyn:
I need to get cracking and come up with my COA already. Definitely going with colors from the Elliot tartan, just not all of them as 4 or 5 is a bit much. Progbably blue and burgundy/red. Perhaps blue tabby cats on burgundy. ;-)

This weekend is likely going to be a bust with parades and functions I am required to be at. It is good to be stepping down. Now I can skip all the masonic functions I want to and nobody can say boo.

Sir Ancelyn:
Okay, let's try this, I will have to draw it up after work of course ;-),

Per cross Azure and Gules, 2 lions rampant contourney (I want my lions to look to the right) Or

How would I say lions only on the blue?


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