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Creating a society/order?

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Sir William:
I think I'm in agreement w/everyone else here.  As for the KC...interesting proposition...that the KC's vote be FYI only rather than carrying weight leaving the onus on the rest of the knights to transact whatever business is at hand.  It is an interesting idea...I guess maybe we can wait and see what situations come up where this would come in handy with the caveat being we'll go with the one that best suits the situation and that'll become the Rule?

Sir James A:
I think the KC vote should carry double the weight in the event of a tie. Historically the knights would generally follow the KC's orders, but beyond that, it's not a "permanent" position, and if changes to the bylaws require a 2/3 majority vote, that makes it impossible to even be a deciding factor in bylaw changes anyway. ;)

Or maybe instead of just needing 2 sponsors to be knighted, you need 2 members to sponsor you for a vote, and the membership votes in a poll as Yay, Nay, or Opt out (if they don't know the person, conflict of interest, etc) to decide if they are knighted?

As for minimum amount of time, I think we poked at it a bit before. Some people will do more to contribute or grow in 6 weeks than others will in 6 months. Since they need sponsors to join, and sponsors to be knighted, a time requirement might not be necessary. I think the most important aspects are being a good fit for the Order and a good period-ish presentation (soft or armored).

Haha, thank you all for the kind comments. Especially Sir Wolf. Straight to the heart man  8)  :D 
And yeah, I really am not a fan of my generation. That's why I study history, run amok in period garb with like minded people, and join chivalrous orders instead of playing Xbox, wait... that's the ONLY thing kids do.   :D
And I think that there shouldn't be a technical amount of time that one has to spend in the order to become a knight or squire. HOWEVER, the knights of the order and KC should watch that. As long as they feel that they know without a doubt that this person is worthy of knighthood, then go for it.  :)
What I hope will happen is that the order members will be stingy with their sponsorships, and the KC will really take a look at each applicant before approval. In practice, this should effectively stop anyone from advancing early, as the KC can simply decide that this person isn't ready for knighthood.
I am hoping that the time it takes for 2 knights to determine a person's chivalric merit will not permit any 1month trips to knighthood.
And I support the KC's vote counting as 2. I am assuming that the leader of the order will make good decisions in the interest of the order. After all, there is a reason that a person is elected KC right? I'd like to think that he's proven himself worthy to be able to make some decisions. We have to remember, this is in the case of the exception, not the rule. He won't be deciding what everyone and their brother-in-arms will be doing on a daily basis.  ;) 

Sir William:
Wait a minute there, Squire Nathan- I play XBox, and PS3, and PSP and computer games...surely you're not lumping me in with the rest of them?  LOL

I'm not sure what that says about me, but a good number of my friends and I regularly engage in video games...although they've talked me into the online aspect which I've steadfastly avoided til now.  It IS a lot of fun and keeps us in-house (as opposed to running about, visiting bars and seedier places lol) where our womenfolk can keep an eye on us!

I agree on the sponsorships being made of worthy individuals, not just interested individuals...but how do we do that and avoid the elitist tag?  Actually, we'll appear elitist to most outsiders- we've joined an Order while they have not...and I'm not all that concerned about such things, but I realize that others are.

Of course not Paladin. I was making a reference to the crowd that does nothing but those games. I actually know people who have played a game for 48 hours straight. And in my bloody high school, social status is determined by how many kills you have at this, or your score at that. I only own a PS2, and never play the thing. Games just never appealed to me. My biggest beef is that alot of these people aren't interested in anything else. And it just seems a waste to me. I always had to do it for real. But that's just me.

And I personally don't care either, if some people cannot stand that this order has some standards, of which they may or may not meet, then that's their problem. Really, just trying to uphold the tenants of chivalry (much less becoming a knight and joining an order!) is often viewed as elitist. Because holding oneself to a higher standard is OBVIOUSLY elitist.
and really, it's not elitist. It's just simply ensuring that our knights are people who reflect that status in their day-to-day lives. 


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