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Creating a society/order?
Sir Wolf:
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2010-11-30, 20:59:04 ---
anyway, I'm glad Sir Ed approves of my squire draft. Spent over an hour drawing that up :D
--- End quote ---
well then it sucks and we can't use it ehhehehe jkjk
Sir James A:
I think Sir Nathan's squire description is excellent.
I agree on the silver spurs, swapped for gilded ones, should go into the Order's "assets", and be given to the next person who becomes a squire, and when they are knighted, back to the order, and so on. That way, we won't need to buy a (potentially large, relatively speaking) number of silver spurs.
(I typed that same idea and hit submit, then it said there are new posts. :o)
Sir Matthew:
I find Sir Nathan's proposition satisfactory. I think that for a youth he shows alot more clear thinking than most adults I meet.
Sir Patrick:
Agreed wholeheartedly.
Sir Edward:
Excellent, I'll look into working it into the by bylaws/charter.
Looking at what we have so far, a couple of questions still remain that we didn't flesh out:
* Is there a minimum amount of time that should be required before someone becomes a knight/squire? If so, how long?
* Breaking a deadlocked vote. I wrote down to ideas in the bylaws. One is to double the KC's vote so he is the tie-breaker. The other is to invalidate the KC's vote, so the vote is decided by the rest of the knights. This latter one appeals to me in the sense that it helps to decentralize. However, it carries the irony that whoever/whatever the KC voted for (in the deadlocked vote) is the side that loses. In the former, his is the side that wins.
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