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Creating a society/order?

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Sir Patrick:
Say, when is our order going to get a link on the forum's links page? ;D

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: The Red Knight on 2010-11-29, 23:20:46 ---Say, when is our order going to get a link on the forum's links page? ;D

--- End quote ---

Hah! Good catch. I'll go add it.

Well, as the resident to-be squire, I would like to make a proposition on the status of squire.

Has the ability to vote and be active in the order. However, similar to the confirmation of a knight, the to-be squire must get the support of 2 existing knights, and get it through the KC. There would be a very simple, and since the squire had already got the confirmation and support of 2 knights and the KC, the squire is eligible to become a knight via normal ceremony w/ the supporting knights and KC anytime they want upon reaching the age of majority (18). There would also be a (not a requirement, but expectation) to have been in the order as an initiate for a time until one feels they are ready to petition for becoming a squire. Also, the squire would not be regarded as any less than any of the other knights, since the squire had to go through the same approval process as they did. Basically it is a knight that hasn't reached the age of majority. Also a squire wouldn't be eligible to serve as KC or his backup, since they are under the age of majority.Squires wouldn't be able to wear gilded spurs. Squire would have the option of wearing silver spurs, which would be presented to him by his sponsors in the same way the knights are presented gilded ones (these will be swapped out for gilded spurs during the knighting ceremony). The ceremony would simply be the presentation of the silvered spurs, and maybe some words, but that's it.

It's basically a recognition of the chivalric values that make someone a knight in a person under the age of majority. They function as knights, (except for the KC and back-up part) are recognized as equals of the knights, go by the same expectations as knights.
Simply knights without the official title and the gold on the spurs.
BTW, kit standards are the same as with knights. (and obviously they can't sponsor people)

So to sum it up, it's a person who has passed all the qualifications to be a knight (kit, chivalry, sponsors, morality, ect), but is under 18. That's why a squire would be eligible to become a knight upon reaching the age of 18. Attaining the rank of squire shows that one has already proved themselves worthy of knighthood.

Whoo! okay, what do you all think?
Comments, criticisms, concerns?  :) 

Sir Edward:
I think it sounds pretty good. Anyone else have opinions on it? So far it sounds good. One note about the spurs-- do we want to gift someone with spurs twice? Perhaps that should be saved for knighting to make it more special. Just a thought, but I'd like to hear what others think too.

Of course, there could always be a set of "loaner spurs" that get passed down to whoever the next squire is. :)

BTW, I also added an Order-only section on the forum. Everyone on the roster page should have access to it. There's not a lot that needs to be there yet, but I wanted to make sure I had it all configured.

I was thinking that upon knighting the gilded spurs would replace the silver ones. An alteration to the knighting ceremony, where before the gilded set is put on the new knight, the silvered pair would be taken off. And I think the spurs going back to the order wouldn't be a too bad Idea.

Kinda cool symbolism, in that while you are a squire, the outward signs of your knighthood do not belong to you, that you are a squire to the order (instead of an individual knight) whom is giving you this privilege. But when you become a knight, you actually own the set, that while still given to you by the order, show that it's a more independent status. Also gives it a sense of permanence. That you actually own this pair, and will hang on to it for life.

anyway, I'm glad Sir Ed approves of my squire draft. Spent over an hour drawing that up  :D


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