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Creating a society/order?

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Sir Patrick:
I'm going to go with middle and last name.  Allows me a bit of privacy without being a persona (this IS real life stuff we're talking after all) :)

BTW, I feel like I've been holding this topic up for days.  My apologies to all if that has indeed been the case.

Sir Edward:
Nah, I think the holiday slowed down the board, not you. :)

I think as a general rule, folks can email me to have updates made on their roster info. "bones at" will work.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2010-11-29, 14:12:44 ---Nah, I think the holiday slowed down the board, not you. :)

I think as a general rule, folks can email me to have updates made on their roster info. "bones at" will work.

--- End quote ---

I finished the Sir Edward accessible roster updating portion, but I am going to work on a way for everyone to update their own data, down the road a bit.

Hey, I was just wondering about the status of "squire". As I will be the only one whom this applies to, how does it work? Can I still vote? Is there still a ceremony? and If there is, do I get another one when I turn 18 and become a knight? and can squires wear the gilded spurs?
Please explain. Especially the differences between squires and knights (within the order, not in period) ??? ??? ???

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2010-11-29, 20:57:55 ---Hey, I was just wondering about the status of "squire". As I will be the only one whom this applies to, how does it work? Can I still vote? Is there still a ceremony? and If there is, do I get another one when I turn 18 and become a knight? and can squires wear the gilded spurs?
Please explain. Especially the differences between squires and knights (within the order, not in period) ??? ??? ???

--- End quote ---

Excellent questions! :) I think we still have lots of little details to work out, and this is among them. I'm all ears for suggestions. Remember, everything I wrote down in the initial write-up is potentially still open to change if we come up with something better here. I still want as much of this as possible to come from a group consensus, rather than me pulling stuff out of my hind-quarters. :)


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