the story today, the first of Chrétien de Troyes' five Arthurian romance poems. I wish now I would have had a copy of the book that was larger with larger print, ug my eyes bleed!
There were many things I noticed in this story.
Whenever nature was used it was capitalized. as in "Nature gave her beauty" etc etc.
Knights could fight all day and evening.
Men had to remove their full helmets and still wore ventails over their mouths.
there is an outer bone over the brain
Knights don't greet one another, they have to joust first and ask questions later.
There is no mention of Camelot just Cardigan (which is a Welsh town),
Arthur has a son Llacheu who is a member of the round table,
There are tons and tons of Kings, Counts, Barons and Knights. One wonders what each of them do or is their job
Even then women talk a lot

If a knight was beaten he kept his oath and would travel armed and would be expected to do what his victor had told him to do.
There are mentions of Giants and Dwarves.
A royal camp can be moved several miles down the road during a conversation.
100 to 500 times someone was commended unto God.
They ate no meat on Saturday. Just fish etc.
One wonders if a white stag was an albino deer. Is it the same thing as a hart? And if you get him you get to kiss the bestest lady!!
Chretien starts to tell about the bedroom of the lovers but then stops! Guess he doesn't want a dirt n smut book.
Shields sound like they were kite shields with center bosses on them. but this is odd cause they are not depicted in effigies or manuscripts with great helms.
armour was worn everyday no mater what the condition or its condition.
any more thoughts?