Main > The Campaign

RenFaire dates - 2010

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Sir Edward:

Yep, the plan is to be there on Sunday. I'm not going to be doing DOW, but you can if you want. I'd just make it subtle if you do. :)

Sir William:
Nah, I wasn't all gung-ho about it but was willing to go along with the rest of the brethren on it.  I'm glad we're going to keep it as we normally others have said, I really get a kick out of the kids.

Sir Edward, did you know that little boy we took pictures with had waited for us for some time to arrive?  Glad I heard that modern contrivance buzzing in my beltpouch!  His eyes shone when he saw is THAT which makes all this worthwhile to me.

Sir Brian:
Thank you all for the support and it is the impact we make upon the kids that makes enduring all the other burdens possible.
The burdens being:

* The discomfort of wearing the armor all day and the wonderful aroma of being basted in your own sweat. 

* The hours spent cleaning and maintaining your armor and arming clothes.
* Never being able to finish a meal without being asked to pose for a photo.“Excuse me put do you mind if I pick the pork chop meat out of my teeth first? – Ah to hell with it I’ll just put the helm on.”

But yeah it is definitely worth it.  :)

Sir William:
Pork chops?  Where do you get pork chops?  You must show me!

I agree...on the FB thread and elitists in general, I have noticed that they keep their off-putting words to themselves when you're right there in front of them.  I mean really, they had nothing to say while you were there, right?  Stands to reason their opinions are best served by keeping it to themselves- with this internet there's come a whole lot more people with things to say- that fear the percussive after effects that could occur if they gave voice to them.

Cowards, in a word.

Glad I haven't read the other forum thread you guys are referring to. It would have just upset me.

I did have a recent incident at MDRF where I was accosted by some (sad to say) college kids and informed that the Crusades were "bad." (I was wearing my usual 12th-century Crusader kit.) I paused for almost a full minute, trying to decide what books to refer them to, in order to correct their mis-education.

Instead I smiled and quoted from Kingdom of Heaven -"To kill an infidel is not murder; it is the path to heaven." And raised my cider to them. Not terribly chivalrous of me, I know.

Some folks are just not worth the time to argue with.


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