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RenFaire dates - 2010

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Sir Wolf:
if u have a "stitch nazi" problem. hehe show me their kit and let me deal with them :P hehehhe. i haven't followed what threads you guys are talking about but sounds like people to into themselves to have a good time. i'm all for history and historically correctness, but i'm also for having a good time and fantasy and whatever else looks kewl. heheheh. so just blow em off and have fun with us!

Sir Brian:
Well there isn’t one particular incident at the faire, but Rosemary and I did get into a bit of a tiff with a garb Nazi on flickr who had posted some pictures of Rosemary and another girl dressed as a fairy and she had made some disparaging remarks. Even though it was the woman’s flickr page it is still on a public domain and as such doesn’t give anyone the right to disparage another person(s) even if you don’t know them. The woman is a regular at MDRF and hangs with many of the other garb Nazis and since that incident has nothing but venomous looks for us.  >:(

Essentially, those more controversial comments on that FB posting really only confirmed what Rosemary and I already knew was the underlying and pervasive attitude of the faire staff and some of the more elitist patrons towards fantasy or non-historical garb and personas. It is the reason why they don’t let the bubble fairies wear wings or allow vendors to wear wings or other “fantasy” elements to their garb.  :(

So I suppose I am saying that Rosemary and I have found that particular attitude at MDRF a bit tiresome this year. Perhaps next season when we visit other fairs that aren’t so Fairy phobic we’ll get our serenity rejuvenated. ~ VARF definitely helps in that capacity. ;)

Sir Edward:

OK, in a way I'm glad to hear it was a more isolated incident. It's true that there will always be some who just aren't happy unless they're complaining about something or putting someone else down. I guess it's up to us to hold our heads high and say "f**k 'em!" Garb Nazis are a reality everywhere, unfortunately. And I have a feeling renfaires, SCA, etc, tend to draw a large proportion of people with insecurities, and so it spills out onto everyone else at times.

This is why I make a point of not judging people. Everyone's there to have a good time. If someone shows up in armor made of plastic and cardboard, I praise their creativity rather than look down on them.

Anyway, whatever you guys need to do, you know I've always got your back. If there's anything you need, just ask.

And still, I can't imagine anyone disparaging Rosemary like that. It shows how insane they are. She's always gorgeous in her fairy outfits!

Sir William:
Sorry for just now getting on here knights, but my wife and I had an awesome time meeting you guys!  Sir Brian et al, my apologies for missing issues got in the way.  I look forward to seeing you guys THIS weekend- which day, Sunday, right?  The very last day?  Maybe I can make both...but definitely one of them for sure.

As for DOW, am I right in assuming we're NOT going that route?  I'm cool with that...not sure if I can come up with something suitably wrong for the event in any case.

Sir Wolf:
ya i mean its a ren faire not a living history event. "ren faire" in itself is a historical novel at best. i dont care how hard they work to make something look right or scene or script or costume or whatever its not historically correct. heheehe. i know a lot of hard work goes into the costuming for sure (i know the cast costume designer and maker and she's good) but the conversations, interactions etc is fantasy when it boils down to it :) do you REALLY think henry would associate with the general public or even really walk around with them? hahaha. so just ignore it. flag the photo on flikr and get them into trouble for using your likeness or as spam or inappropriate etc


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