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RenFaire dates - 2010
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Silvanus on 2010-10-21, 20:27:35 ---I did have a recent incident at MDRF where I was accosted by some (sad to say) college kids and informed that the Crusades were "bad." (I was wearing my usual 12th-century Crusader kit.) I paused for almost a full minute, trying to decide what books to refer them to, in order to correct their mis-education.
Instead I smiled and quoted from Kingdom of Heaven -"To kill an infidel is not murder; it is the path to heaven." And raised my cider to them. Not terribly chivalrous of me, I know.
Some folks are just not worth the time to argue with.
--- End quote ---
Well, it was certainly in character, right? :)
Great to see you back. It's been a long time. Are you coming out on Sunday?
At least on Sunday. ;D And Saturday, too if I can manage. I have a rare Saturday off.
Sir William:
--- Quote from: Silvanus on 2010-10-21, 20:27:35 ---Glad I haven't read the other forum thread you guys are referring to. It would have just upset me.
I did have a recent incident at MDRF where I was accosted by some (sad to say) college kids and informed that the Crusades were "bad." (I was wearing my usual 12th-century Crusader kit.) I paused for almost a full minute, trying to decide what books to refer them to, in order to correct their mis-education.
Instead I smiled and quoted from Kingdom of Heaven -"To kill an infidel is not murder; it is the path to heaven." And raised my cider to them. Not terribly chivalrous of me, I know.
Some folks are just not worth the time to argue with.
--- End quote ---
Would that I had been standing by you then! I agree, that some folk are not worth the time...but sometimes, you spend it anyway. The Crusades were bad...well so's the Toyota Prius. The damage done to the environment just to make one invalidates any sort of 'positive' it might garner as far as fuel consumption and emissions goes, but I digress.
The Crusades are responsible for igniting the intrepid spirit amongst the European nations...prior to them, it was near unheard of travellers going so far outside of their established domains, with the merchants being the obvious exception but even then, I would hazard to guess they were not as widely traveled due to the differences in language, culture, etc. It wasn't until they were more or less 'forced' to deal with all of that that true trading began...
Anyway, you've a great Crusades-era kit as I'm sure I told you, definitely worth envying. That those onlookers don't get it, that really is too bad for them.
Thanks, Paladin.
I do agree that the Crusades were filled with atrocities and unspeakable suffering, done by knights as well as vagabonds. King Richard himself was a butcher. But the notion that the very idea of reclaiming the Holy Land was a criminal enterprise, that is what I have a problem with. People never seemed to have heard of the Muslim Conquest. Or do they believe that the entire Middle East, All of North Africa, and even parts of Eastern Europe were always Muslim?
Sir Brian:
--- Quote from: Paladin on 2010-10-21, 19:17:08 ---Pork chops? Where do you get pork chops? You must show me!
I agree...on the FB thread and elitists in general, I have noticed that they keep their off-putting words to themselves when you're right there in front of them. I mean really, they had nothing to say while you were there, right? Stands to reason their opinions are best served by keeping it to themselves- with this internet there's come a whole lot more people with things to say- that fear the percussive after effects that could occur if they gave voice to them.
Cowards, in a word.
--- End quote ---
Yes that is so very sad but true. I personally will not say or write anything discourteous to or about anyone unless I am prepared to bleed for it. I lament that more of today’s society cannot even fathom that notion. :(
Oh and the pork chops on a stake are at the main food court near the white hart tavern! ;)
--- Quote from: Silvanus on 2010-10-21, 20:27:35 ---Glad I haven't read the other forum thread you guys are referring to. It would have just upset me.
I did have a recent incident at MDRF where I was accosted by some (sad to say) college kids and informed that the Crusades were "bad." (I was wearing my usual 12th-century Crusader kit.) I paused for almost a full minute, trying to decide what books to refer them to, in order to correct their mis-education.
Instead I smiled and quoted from Kingdom of Heaven -"To kill an infidel is not murder; it is the path to heaven." And raised my cider to them. Not terribly chivalrous of me, I know.
Some folks are just not worth the time to argue with.
--- End quote ---
LOL you sir are an inspiration to us all! Well done indeed! ;D
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