"We don't receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey (Quest?) that no one can take for us or spare us."
                -- Marcel Post (1871 - 1922)

Author Topic: School of the Musketeer 2010  (Read 6954 times)

Sir Matthew

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School of the Musketeer 2010
« on: 2010-03-04, 23:38:26 »
For those of you interested, here is some information from the Kingdom of Lucerne about School of the Musketeer 2010:

School of the Musketeer
1580 – 1650
Presented by The Kingdom of Lucerne
April 17-18, 2010
Located at Historic Fort Mifflin on the Delaware,1 Fort Mifflin Rd, Philadelphia, PA
Come join us for a fun and interesting weekend of life in the 17th Century
Learn how to fire a matchlock musket, be part of a live fire cannon crew, handle a pike and
experience the thrill of dueling with swords.
There is much more to musketeer life than just being a soldier. Participate in period games,
examine medical instruments and techniques of the time, and discover the role of religion in the era.
How were clothes made and where did the raw materials come from?
Taste the food and learn how it was prepared 400 years ago.
Soap didn’t come from the supermarket, bread didn’t come in a bag and the lights at night
were not plugged in. So UNPLUG—and come spend the weekend with us!
What you get!
For the price of $30.00 you stay in historic Fort Mifflin for the weekend. Meals included are breakfast,
lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast and lunch on Sunday, all you can eat.
The price for just one day’s participation is $20.00 and includes the daily meals.
Our expert, experienced instructors will keep your weekend stay safe, informative and
Enjoy the evening TAVERN SOCIAL with period dancing…. and much more!
Please note! Military Track Prerequisites: Minimum age of 16 for practical training. Also, you must be
able to walk and stand for periods of up to 30 minutes and be willing to handle firearms.
Civilian/Interpretive Track Prerequisites: No minimum age and no mobility stipulations.
What YOU need to know for your weekend adventure.
Clothing requirements: If you have clothing appropriate for the 1580-1650 time frame, please
wear it! For those who do not have period appropriate clothing please wear jeans and a long sleeve
shirt. For your safety, wear NO synthetic clothing of any kind. You could be exposed to the flash of
gunpowder or the flames of the fireplace. Expect your clothing to get muddied and powder stained!
If you are staying overnight, please bring a sleeping bag/ bed roll, pillow pad or mattress,
pillow and blanket.
If you are on the food plan be sure to bring your own eating utensils: cup, plate, bowl, napkin,
knife, fork and spoon.
For the “Military Track” you will need a hat and leather work gloves.
Optional “Military Track” items that may be used following inspection and under the direction
of appropriate instructors: Three weapon fencing mask, padded fencing jacket, Hanwei, Armour Class
or Bailiff blunt swords.
Registration forms are available on our website at kingdomoflucerne.com
and on our Facebook page by searching Kingdom of Lucerne, Inc.
While you are on our Facebook page you can become a fan of Kingdom of Lucerne and keep up to date
on all our activities.
If you plan on arriving on Friday, April 16 you may do so between 4:00 pm and 11:00 pm.
Registration must be received by Wednesday, March 31, 2010 in order to participate in the food plan.
Registration should be mailed to:
C. Vota
700 Gorham Ave.
North Cape May, NJ 08204
Email: Lucerne.Treasurer@comcast.net Web site: Kingdomoflucerne.com
Facebook: Kingdom of Lucerne, Inc

I have attended this the last 2 years and can vouch for it being both fun and informative.  Those of you who have been to PaRF, the Trayned Band participates in this and uses this event as mandatory training for anyone in the group who wants to handle powder and musket.  Besides that, how many other opportunities does one get to stay in a Rev War period fort for an entire weekend.  I'll be back again this year, maybe I'll see a few of you there as well
