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Author Topic: Christmas Cheer  (Read 6492 times)

Sir Gerard de Rodes

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Christmas Cheer
« on: 2009-12-23, 21:00:24 »
Hi All,
I just thought I`d take this oportunity to wish you all a fantastic Christmas and a wonderfull new year.
 ;D  ;D  ;D
"War is at first like a beautiful girl with whom all men long to play,but in the end like a repulsive hag whose suitors all weep and ache" Samuel Hanagid (993-1056)

Sir Robert

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Re: Christmas Cheer
« Reply #1 on: 2009-12-23, 21:28:38 »
And to you as well Noble Sir

Sir Robert

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Re: Christmas Cheer
« Reply #2 on: 2009-12-24, 20:55:52 »
Its Christmas Eve, and its a time of joy, hoep and family to many, yet there are many that may not find much cheer tonight. Its a reflection to me on what a Knight should be, and what ideals we hold dear. Knights were not the ideal pictures of justice and virtue that many stories portray, but a good Knight sought to be that in his actions and his heart. It is that which I am talking about, what we ought to do is strive each day to treat others with kindness, respect, caring, and be compassionate to our fellow man. Its partially about doing good works, being just, and showing others that being good is an option regardless of how dark the day may turn.

We have all been to the edge of our personal precipice while the winds howeled and woves gnawed at our flesh. Mayhap this is literal to some of us, mayhap it is but a place in our mind, but I know we have all been there seeking truth and wondering if we were on the right path, if in the end we would be judged a good Knight.

For all my brethren I wish simply this, may the light of this night shine bright for you and may you know that you are a good Knight, worthy of all those that came before you, and may you be an inspiration to those that follow after.

Merry Christmas wherever the winds have blown you, I look forward to seeing you all in good health and spirits in our comming season.

Sir Brian

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Re: Christmas Cheer
« Reply #3 on: 2009-12-25, 10:19:11 »
Merry Christmas to all and your families! May the Lord our Savior bless and keep you all throughout the year.  :)

"Chivalry our Strength, Brotherhood our sword"
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a Gryphon Segreant Or

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