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Author Topic: Manly Arts Day at the Hampton National Historical Site  (Read 7596 times)

Sir Wolf

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a friend of mine on the grey's board posted about this. thought i would pass the word

On June 8th, from 10:00 am 4:00 p.m, they are going to host the "Manly Arts Day" at the Hampton National Historical Site, just north of Baltimore.

According to the website:

"Ongoing demonstrations of historically accurate fencing, boxing, cudgeling, wrestling and more will show how men fought and defended their honor in the time of Thomas Jefferson... Visitors will be able to view an array of fencing swords and practice their own technique using a variety of wooden cutlasses, sticks and swords."

I attended last year, and it was a lot of fun. Actually, they covered both 18th and 19th c. combat arts. There will probably be a lot of people there who are knowledgeable about WMA, including members of MASHS. I highly recommend attending if you are interested.

For more info, see http://www.nps.gov/hamp/


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Re: Manly Arts Day at the Hampton National Historical Site
« Reply #1 on: 2009-08-25, 19:43:16 »
Its Back!

Manly Arts Day this year is Sept 20th at Hampton NHS (Baltimore MD)

Although we concentrate on 1700 to 1900 you all may still find it interesting. Many of the participants and instructors also do earlier weapons.  I know MASHS does. This year we will have two highly respected and talented instructors (and Me too)

And we are hoping to get  local WMA folks together to foster more communication and cooperation.  Some sort of regular visiting of each others practices for lessons and bouting perhaps.
Here is the event link


Hope to see you all there

Sir Edward

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Re: Manly Arts Day at the Hampton National Historical Site
« Reply #2 on: 2009-08-25, 20:45:06 »

Man, September is pretty much a wash for me, between faire, WMAW, and pager schedules, I'm basically booked already. :-\
Sir Ed T. Toton III
Knight Commander, Order of the Marshal

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