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Author Topic: small ren faire near Salem Va.  (Read 6549 times)

Sir Wolf

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small ren faire near Salem Va.
« on: 2009-08-11, 21:48:51 »
I got this email today. thought I would pass it along:

Milords & Ladies,

We are seeking Living History Performers
and especially Equestrian Performers for the Green Hill Medieval Faire
& Highland Games in Salem VA, September 26-27, 2009. Pray see http://www.medievalfantasiesco.com/GreenHill.htm for more information and Applications.

would know your terms, what you are able to provide and any other
pertinent information you may have. Pray offer any queries you may
have. Thank you very much!

We are at your service,
Chris & Mia Pugh
Medieval Fantasies Company
3782 Churchville Ave
Churchville, VA 24421
Where your Fantasies become Reality