Well, I registered long ago and was going to make a big post and all, and for some reason or another I did not follow through. Though I am back and have something for this go around!
This is my kit in progress and I have been working on the maile (hand wound, hand saw cut, no power tools) and the whole kit for three years now. I have hand made my arming vest and leggings (All the way down to hand sewing) After this much time I have finnally come to have a kit that fits great. All plate bought from Allan at the Merc tailor, Great work he has put forth!
The arming jacket is the underlying foundation, without the jacket, my whole kit would fall apart, lol.
A total of a whopping 15 straps secure everything together. From suiting up, I have got to say this must have been a ritual to knights in the days of old.
here are some pictures from the first days of the kit and to date pics.

Here is the arming jacket and leggings with voiders attached.. The cod piece was attached after initial pics of armor taken. Sorry for bad lighting, I took the pictures at work with the timer on the camera...

This shows the vest in its new condition. You can see it straps up on three sides of the body and thus allowing a lot of the weight to rest on the hips, without a belt digging into my hips.

This is an older pic, though before I recieved the breast and back plate.

and the final piece..