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Author Topic: Abbey Scriptorium at PaRF  (Read 7391 times)

Sir Matthew

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Abbey Scriptorium at PaRF
« on: 2009-09-01, 00:01:40 »
Any of you coming to Pa Ren Faire this season, be sure to stop by the Abbey Scriptorium (the church looking building between the Boars Head and O'Malley's).  They have quite a few hard to find books in there and the prices are not bad at all.  I picked up a hardbound copy of de Gheyn's The Renaissance Drill Book for $9 and the Osprey Men at Arms The Landsknechts for $18.00.  That was list price for the Osprey book, but still cheaper than you might expect at an event like that.  I also found two very good books on courtly dance, manners and behavior:  Courtly Dance of the Renaissance by Fabritio Caroso (translated by Julia Sutton) and Orchesography by Thoinot Arbeau.  Let it not be said I am not endevouring to become a well rounded gentleman.

Sir Brian

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Re: Abbey Scriptorium at PaRF
« Reply #1 on: 2009-09-01, 07:24:31 »
Bummer! Sorry we didn't stop in there and shop when we were there. With the start of MDRF we
won't be back to PARF for the remainder of the season.  :-\
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