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Author Topic: Starting my kit  (Read 22374 times)

Sir Cedric

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Starting my kit
« on: 2017-03-03, 03:35:01 »
So after reading all of the getting started guides I've seen for buying armor, I still have a few questions.
I ultimately intend to portray a soldier of the hundred years war, adding on more and more bits of Gothic style plate as I can afford them.
1. I understand that in this period it was more typical to wear chainmail voiders under the plate rather than a full hauberk, but I was wondering if it would be a good idea to get the full hauberk instead so I could portray an earlier 12-13th century Knight in the meantime. I can make a heater shield and tabard easily enough on my own, so I would only need to buy a great helm to complete the kit.
The reason I ask this is because I really would rather portray a Knight rather than just a common soldier, but the full set of Gothic plate is going to take a very long time to complete.
2 If I do end up choosing the path of the peasant, what bit of plate should I buy first? I've seen mixed results between having a breastplate or a gorget and pauldrons. Unfortunately there aren't any effigies or the like of common soldiers so I really don't have much to base this off of.
Sorry to ask what may be obvious questions, but getting into this hobby really is rather daunting.
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Re: Starting my kit
« Reply #1 on: 2017-03-04, 00:39:33 »
When in the 100yrs war? It lasted right through a major change in armor types. Which decade & what country are you aiming for? Which area of said country are you aiming for?

Will you be using this for any kind of combat? If so what kind? What is your budget?
« Last Edit: 2017-03-04, 00:40:07 by Thorsteinn »
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Sir Cedric

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Re: Starting my kit
« Reply #2 on: 2017-03-04, 03:02:39 »
I was thinking the later 15th century period of the war around 1415 and the battle of agincourt.  I'm leaning toward English because of their tendency towards non-mounted knights.

The worst sparring this would see would be HEMA sparring with blunted sparring swords. I have no interest in SCA or full contact so it doesn't have to be the thickest stuff. Mostly this will just be for show because my budget is very small and I wont be able to purchase a full suit of anything all at once.  If you could recommend something that is somewhat "modular" in the sense that it won't look ridiculous when its half finished that would be great.
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Re: Starting my kit
« Reply #3 on: 2017-03-05, 05:14:23 »
Great time period and location (personal bias)!  :)

The "modular route" is difficult.  One method is to work with an armourer on a "pay as you go" plan, e.g. piece by piece.  I can't provide any names that work this method.

Another method is to find a full kit in a catalog and purchase it piece by piece.  There are a few who offer components, but beware one size fits most and the shaping leaves something to be desired.  Lords of Battle, Epic Armoury, GDFB and Deepeeka all offer components, but they will need to be modified to fit correctly as they are bottom of the line.

Illusion Armoring, IceFalcon and Windrose Armoury are mid-line and offer components.

Some of the new Ukrainian and Indian armorers are doing some incredible stuff lately as well.
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Sir Cedric

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Re: Starting my kit
« Reply #4 on: 2017-03-05, 23:34:02 »
Are the Lord of Battles, GDFB, etc. armors worth considering at all?  I thought of maybe using them to purchase a 16g breastplate, but I don't know how much work would be involved to get it to fit properly.
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Re: Starting my kit
« Reply #5 on: 2017-03-06, 02:02:12 »
Are the Lord of Battles, GDFB, etc. armors worth considering at all?  I thought of maybe using them to purchase a 16g breastplate, but I don't know how much work would be involved to get it to fit properly.
Id say don't bother with them. save your money and get something better.
Nathan Phillip Max
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Sir Rodney

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Re: Starting my kit
« Reply #6 on: 2017-03-08, 03:51:52 »
Are the Lord of Battles, GDFB, etc. armors worth considering at all?  I thought of maybe using them to purchase a 16g breastplate, but I don't know how much work would be involved to get it to fit properly.
Id say don't bother with them. save your money and get something better.

I second Naythan.  The helm in my avatar is a GDFB that I still fight in.  The amount of modifications I had to make for SCA combat safety were significant.  At that time I had no other options and no money to speak of.  These days there are some Ukrainian and Indian armorers doing wonderful entry level / mid-range work at reasonable prices.
"Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history." - Roger the Shrubber

Sir Wolf

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Re: Starting my kit
« Reply #7 on: 2017-08-05, 17:18:24 »

Steven Good

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Re: Starting my kit
« Reply #8 on: 2017-10-03, 21:39:59 »
I'm no expert but, I would determine your wealth. Are you a poor a man or do you have a bit of wealth or are you mercenary. These things can determine the amount of protection you have. So once you determine that part, Id just go with a helmet . Probably something open faced (Kettle helmet/open Faced Bascinet) then after determining your "wealth" Id determine my torso protection. This could be anywhere from a Standalone Padded armour to a brigandine/Coat of Plates. Personally this is the route i would choose.

Sir Nate

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Re: Starting my kit
« Reply #9 on: 2017-10-11, 17:20:06 »
Since you are trying to a foot soldier from late 14th century, I'm sure you can get a short sleeved mail hauberk. Then you would want a brigandine and a bascinet with an aventail. Maybe not even a visor-less bascinet, but a sallet skull. Then hourglass gauntlets. Thats it as far as I know. Don't forget the most important parts are the under clothes and the gambeson.
If you are trying to portray a 13th century knight, you should know that the hauberk should come down to your knees, be long sleeved as well as have mail mittens/gloves and a coif. You also need a different kind of gambeson. The type of mail shirt for late 14th century, won't be as long as earlier hauberks, and should only come just past the elbows on the sleeves.
Your also talking about different sword styles. Maybe you could get away with a foot soldier using a late 13th century sword, or early 14th.
It also depends what you want to use the kits for, is the 13th century knight for a renfaire? then you can get away with just having the 14th century mail shirt, and a great helm. You could use that kind of shirt for a Man at Arms, or wealthy soldier as oppose to a knight. But then you should get a kettle or nasal helmet instead of a bucket helm.
Nathan Phillip Max
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Sir Cedric

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Re: Starting my kit
« Reply #10 on: 2017-11-05, 04:01:20 »
So far I bought a hauberk. I also just ordered a better gambeson from Forge of Svan so I'll be putting a review of that up when it gets here. Probably going to get a helmet next (though I'm not sure what kind), and then some gauntlets. Those will also be more useful for sparring I suppose anyway.
I really don't like open faced helmets, so even if I went as a footsoldier I would probably go with a visored sallet over an open faced bascinet.
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Re: Starting my kit
« Reply #11 on: 2017-11-08, 02:39:46 »
Illusion Armoring = No bueno. They've been burning customers for a few years now. Don't be afraid to shop around a bit. Have you talked to Clang Armory?
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Sir Cedric

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Re: Starting my kit
« Reply #12 on: 2017-11-08, 06:16:50 »
Just gave it a look, but it looks like he isn't taking commissions right now.
“A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.â€

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Re: Starting my kit
« Reply #13 on: 2017-12-23, 19:14:44 »
he is, just email him. he doenst update his website. you may need to poke his butt for him to take a commission lol.

Lord Dane

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Re: Starting my kit
« Reply #14 on: 2018-01-01, 10:46:24 »
Talk to Jason Young, Trinity Arms (out of Florida)
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