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Author Topic: Why do you love where you live? ~We have to move again.  (Read 23242 times)


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So after 6 months and thousands of ill-spent dollars later we have decided to call the Boston Experiment a complete failure and now plan to move within a year to somewhere else. :(

*Wages lower than expected.
*Rents much higher than expected.
*Access to public transit much more limited than advertised yet getting a 2nd vehicle here is rather difficult.
*Unable for Thorsteinn to go to school while his wife works per wife's wishes.
*The Good Food Scene is nigh inaccessible due to costs-of-living within commute distance (No Boston we will not sell our car and take a $12k loss to be there). >:(
*Unable to really push my wife's career or mine.
*Current very high costs projected to rise significantly.
*Healthcare here is not as promised.
*Have been unable to join a social circle here for both of us.
*Cannot get a Big Fluffy Dog due to costs of having one here.

So tell us why we should want to move where you live?
Why do you love it where you are?

We're using some of these tools here CNN Money- Cost of living: How far will my salary go in another city?

And here Sperling's Best Places- Compare cost of living.
« Last Edit: 2017-01-29, 00:19:52 by Thorsteinn »
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Re: Why do you love where you live? ~We have to move again.
« Reply #1 on: 2017-01-29, 00:28:43 »
I think it was the $1000 it took to transfer our car and licences to Massachusetts that was the final straw.
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Re: Why do you love where you live? ~We have to move again.
« Reply #2 on: 2017-02-02, 09:02:07 »
Well, I'm from Richmond Virginia. If you have lived in Virginia and moved away before then I have little to recommend. If you haven't lived here, I have a load of information for you.
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Re: Why do you love where you live? ~We have to move again.
« Reply #3 on: 2017-02-02, 13:38:46 »
Well, I'm from Richmond Virginia. If you have lived in Virginia and moved away before then I have little to recommend. If you haven't lived here, I have a load of information for you.

Neither of us have even been to VA let alone Richmond. We would love to hear what you've got.

In general we would love to hear what folks have. Different views give better info. :)
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Re: Why do you love where you live? ~We have to move again.
« Reply #4 on: 2017-02-03, 22:08:45 »
Here in the midwest things are quite a bit cheaper fr the most part. I live in Missouri and cost of living varies from place to place but here in the Capitol city the cost of living is very low and the standard of living very high. The average home price is probably in the ballpark of 150k, the average rental is around 700.00 and that will get you a 3 to 4 bedroom home but you can find a small apartment for 400.00, there are a lot of jobs related to healthcare, manufacturing, and legal. The city hosts many free events throughout the year including bicycling, pub crawls, concerts, outdoor movies on the Capitol lawn, fairs, etc. We have 3 YMCA's which I take full advantage of, our winters are typically very mild but it can get pretty humid in the summer, my city is 30 minutes from the Lake of the Ozarks to the south and to the north we are 30 minutes from Columbia (big college town). Population is around 40,000 so it is a "big-small town." Great place to raise a family.
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Re: Why do you love where you live? ~We have to move again.
« Reply #5 on: 2017-02-04, 23:32:58 »
Sorry for the bad luck you're having here. I've lived here my whole life so I guess I am used to all the stuff. :( I hope things work out for you two.
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Re: Why do you love where you live? ~We have to move again.
« Reply #6 on: 2017-03-02, 17:04:40 »
I live in Illinois and while it's not as bad as Mass, it is close with some of the fees like you have been hit with.

We plan on moving the Kansas City Missouri area ( family there) as the wife and I both love it!

I agree with the Midwest being a good area all around. I hope you and yours find a place that both of you enjoy.


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Re: Why do you love where you live? ~We have to move again.
« Reply #7 on: 2017-03-02, 21:14:22 »
Baynard- there are a couple good HEMA clubs in KC. First is a well established club that mixes HEMA with living history. It's called the Medieval Swordsman Guild: http://www.kcsword.com/
They do a lot of harnesfechten which is in line with the interests of this forum.

The other group is new and I don't know too much about them other than their founder started in ARMA down in Dallas, TX. You can find them online at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/251402338576654/
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Re: Why do you love where you live? ~We have to move again.
« Reply #8 on: 2017-03-02, 23:14:32 »
We're currently leaning towards VA or NC as both Raleigh & Richmond have a lot of what we're looking for plus the ability for me to get an undergrad degree at a reasonable price.

However that may change as our info evolves.
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Re: Why do you love where you live? ~We have to move again.
« Reply #9 on: 2017-03-03, 05:22:34 »
Also good choices!

Thanks Jason! I appreciate it! Be about 2 years or so before my move, but good to start getting to know like minded folks in the area.


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Re: Why do you love where you live? ~We have to move again.
« Reply #10 on: 2017-03-05, 02:56:42 »
Oddly this came up in my research on colleges that do Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, & Applied Physics undergrads as a possible Masters program. What is odd is that I have never before thought of getting a Masters degree.

Masters of Decision Analytics(M.D.A.) at Virginia Commonwealth University.

And bonus is that it is near several members of the Order.
« Last Edit: 2017-03-05, 02:56:57 by Thorsteinn »
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Sir Rodney

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Re: Why do you love where you live? ~We have to move again.
« Reply #11 on: 2017-03-05, 05:52:21 »
Quote from: Thorsteinn
So tell us why we should want to move where you live?
Why do you love it where you are?

I'll always put in a plug for Minnesota, specifically the Twin Cities.  The seven county metropolitan area surrounding Saint Paul and Minneapolis have low crime, high wages, excellent schools and good public transportation.  We're well known for the best bicycle trail system and park system of any state.  We're also home to 3M (Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing), Best Buy and Target.  Our foodie and micro-brew scene is exploding.  We also have a solid SCA group, we're home to Arms & Armor and next door to Albion Swords.

Why do I love it in Minnesota?  I've had the opportunity to live in Florida, Iowa, Hawaii as well as visit at least 35+ of our 50 states.  None of these, in my opinion compare, to Minnesota.  We actually have 4 seasons including, yes, abundant snow (except for this year  :(  ).  In fifteen minutes I can be downtown at the Xcel Energy Center watching Wild hockey, or traveling fifteen minutes in the opposite direction, be hunting grouse / deer / etc.  It never really gets too cold this far south, the people in the 'Cities complain, but they have NO idea what cold is.

Oh, and we're NOT Wisconsin!   :P
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Re: Why do you love where you live? ~We have to move again.
« Reply #12 on: 2017-03-05, 17:53:06 »
I always liked the Twin Cities. Used to go up to the cat plant in Maple Grove and get construction equipment for export or local dealers.

I see also the TC area has commuter rail now as well! Very good deal!

Sadly you have the Wild  ;) Go Hawks!! ;D

But yes at least you are not Wisconsin nor Illinois!

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Re: Why do you love where you live? ~We have to move again.
« Reply #13 on: 2017-03-08, 04:14:06 »
I always liked the Twin Cities. Used to go up to the cat plant in Maple Grove and get construction equipment for export or local dealers.

I see also the TC area has commuter rail now as well! Very good deal!

Sadly you have the Wild  ;) Go Hawks!! ;D

But yes at least you are not Wisconsin nor Illinois!

I'm with you there.  I miss the good old days of the Blackhawks and North Stars beating the crap out of each other! 
"Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history." - Roger the Shrubber


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Re: Why do you love where you live? ~We have to move again.
« Reply #14 on: 2017-03-08, 23:19:07 »
The Wild just isn't the same. Good rivalry, but not like the old days. Maybe in a few more years it will be like that again