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All best stuff has new Stuff

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Sir Nate:
 All best stuff mail makers have revamped their website and also have shields and a nice Crusader Bible Helmet. If you have not bought any mail from all best stuff and are in need I will reccomend it.


Jon Blair:
I've heard good things about their maille, so I will likely go to them for a hauberk, once I have built my soft kit. If I can figure out their "sleeve tapering" selection, that is.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Jon Blair on 2016-06-27, 15:43:53 ---I've heard good things about their maille, so I will likely go to them for a hauberk, once I have built my soft kit. If I can figure out their "sleeve tapering" selection, that is.

--- End quote ---

It means the diameter of the sleeve at the shoulder is larger than the diameter at the wrist. Highly recommended.

Sir Brian:
Yeah after trying on Sir James' 6mm riveted habergeon on Sunday, I'm definitely getting one from them. Hopefully I'll be able to order one in a couple of months! :)

Although when I get mine I'll either cut a slit to open the elbow or cut away the back half from the elbow to the end of the sleeve and lace it together since the open parts are covered with the vambraces and elbow cop.

Sir William:
It is too bad that they don't offer to tailor the elbow area...although it'd be labor intensive for them, it would be nice for us, no?  ;)


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