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Author Topic: Looking to beef up my feder  (Read 19142 times)

Sir Martyn

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Looking to beef up my feder
« on: 2016-06-09, 19:20:36 »
So to speak.  *ahem*  I have noticed my "lighter" Regenyi feder gets knocked around fairly easily, looking at acquiring another, firmer practice sword, but something that would not hit too hard - e.g., like that hard-hitting Albion Liechtenauer some of you guys own :) - and still be OK for unarmored fighting/Bloßfechten and legal for tournament use.

Considering Arms & Armor Fechtbuch sword (#187) or Spada da Zoggho.  Opinions?
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Re: Looking to beef up my feder
« Reply #1 on: 2016-06-10, 19:36:27 »

I don't remember what the precise differences are between the Fechtbuch and Fechterspiel are, but I have a Fechterspiel, and it's pretty good for what we do. I think one difference is that the Fechtbuch has a smooth/flat surface in the schilt area, whereas it's stepped on the Fechterspiel. 

These days I mainly use my Fechterspiel as a backup, since I like the feel of the Albion Meyer better.

The Albion Liechtenauer is kinda unsafe for Blossfechten, but is great for harness. The Albion Meyer is the other way around. It's great for Bloss, but is a little too bendy for harness.
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Re: Looking to beef up my feder
« Reply #2 on: 2016-06-10, 21:31:04 »
Concur with Ed about the A&A and Albions. One possible consideration is the Darkwood basic longsword for $340. They are durable and has more blade presence than your current blade or my Ensifer light Longsword. You can also pay a bit more for one/two rings.
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Re: Looking to beef up my feder
« Reply #3 on: 2016-06-11, 00:41:47 »
From the MyArmoury.com review of the A&A Fechtbuch on the differences between the Fechtbuch and Fechterspiel (emphasis mine):

I had talked with Craig Johnson of Arms & Armor, and he told me that they had slightly overbuilt this sword, making it beefier than original practice swords. Some originals have much thinner edges with a degree of flexibility for safety in thrusting. Arms & Armor purposely decided to make their replica a little heftier, as they cannot know for certain what some people will do with the swords. Some users may be stage combatants who will need a slightly sturdier sword to handle repeated hard parries, for example. Potential buyers should keep this in mind. While the sword is suitable for the typical martial practitioner unarmoured combat, it is better suited towards heavier usage. If you want a lighter, more flexible sword, you may want to consider the Arms & Armor Fechterspiel sword instead.

Similarly from the Fechterspiel review:

Arms & Armor years ago developed a sword based on the period fencing weapons seen in German artwork and fencing manuscripts, which they call their Fechtbuch sword. Craig Johnson of Arms & Armor had contacted me some time ago, though, about making a different version of their standard Fechtbuch sword. The Fechtbuch was an excellent training blunt, but was a little bit overbuilt because there are many groups that require the extra mass, whether because the sword will see heavy abuse in stage productions or because the sword will be making direct strikes at armour. Craig wanted to make a slightly lighter version geared more towards western martial artists who specifically practice unarmoured personal combat, or what is referred to in the German tradition as blossfechten. I was sent a prototype of this sword to test out.

Sounds like the Fechterspiel is the one designed with a focus on blossfechten in mind.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-11, 00:44:34 by Ian »
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Re: Looking to beef up my feder
« Reply #4 on: 2016-06-11, 19:53:55 »
What do y'all think of Albions Epée de Guerre?
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Sir James A

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Re: Looking to beef up my feder
« Reply #5 on: 2016-06-12, 01:22:28 »
If you want substantial blade presence, Ensifer Heavy.

In my experience, the regenyei does well with take-offs or lightly pressured binds.

Your feder should compliment your fighting style, so the best for one is not the best for another.
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Re: Looking to beef up my feder
« Reply #6 on: 2016-06-12, 09:53:24 »
Your feder should compliment your fighting style, so the best for one is not the best for another.

Absolutely true...which is a good idea to have multiple blades. I make it a point to take note of which blade an opponent/training partner is using. If they have a lighter blade like my Ensifer then I will use mine, anything heavier than I use the Meyer.
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Re: Looking to beef up my feder
« Reply #7 on: 2016-06-15, 13:52:29 »
From my experience handling various blades, I am more partial to Arms and Armors' Fechterspiel and Spada de Zogho. 

I did use an Albion Liechtenauer in blossfechten one time and it did work, ended up using half cuts so as to not injure my opponent.  The Meyer handles well, although I remember thinking it felt almost too thin in my hands.

And yes, whatever blade works for you, go with it. 
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Sir Martyn

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Re: Looking to beef up my feder
« Reply #8 on: 2016-10-18, 01:02:24 »
So I ended up getting a beefier Rengenyi - looks like this one http://www.regenyei.com/imagesB/Feder16.html
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Re: Looking to beef up my feder
« Reply #9 on: 2016-10-19, 08:04:25 »
So I ended up getting a beefier Rengenyi - looks like this one http://www.regenyei.com/imagesB/Feder16.html

I like it Martyn. :)
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Re: Looking to beef up my feder
« Reply #10 on: 2016-10-19, 17:53:39 »
Nice acquisition, Sir Martyn!
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