"It wasn't the reward that mattered or the recognition you might harvest. It was your depth of commitment, your quality of service, the product of your devotion -- these were the things that counted in a life. When you gave purely, the honor came in the giving, and that was honor enough."
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Author Topic: English Medieval Knight 1300‑1400 from Osprey.  (Read 12611 times)


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English Medieval Knight 1300‑1400 from Osprey.
« on: 2015-12-19, 00:44:50 »
I'm sure most of you are familiar with this one but I wanted to share it anyway. Its a wonderful book, its what inspired me to the 14th century and has helped keep my passion for the Middle ages going. Its great for a beginner, anyone who wants to brush up on the fundamentals, or people woh just wants to see the beautiful artwork in this.

+ Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight +

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Joshua Santana

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Re: English Medieval Knight 1300‑1400 from Osprey.
« Reply #1 on: 2017-02-09, 16:24:57 »
I have a pdf of the book and I would give it my high recommendation for the purpose of information and illustrations that are helpful. 
Knight of The Lion Blade

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