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new member, new harness

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Osprey books can have some really bogus information and interpretations in them, so never take them as gospel. Always confirm with other sources.  The go-to book most  people recommend for new enthusiasts is Arms and Armor of the Medieval Knight by Edge and Paddock.


--- Quote from: Ian on 2015-09-17, 11:57:04 ---Osprey books can have some really bogus information and interpretations in them, so never take them as gospel. Always confirm with other sources.  The go-to book most  people recommend for new enthusiasts is Arms and Armor of the Medieval Knight by Edge and Paddock.

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Ordered the book from Ebay, I look forward to devouring it.

I really like the armet/closehelm, but so far I am only seeing it paired with asymmetrical pauldrons, and mitten gauntlets. is there a time and place where the Armet, or similar helm was worn with symmetrical pauldrons and finger gauntlets?

I also found an internet smith at that makes a set of plate arms with dragon wing fan plates. I suspect that they are seriously unhistoric... however seeing some of the crazy decorated armors out there I am not 100%

Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: westcoastgio on 2015-09-18, 03:16:28 ---I also found an internet smith at that makes a set of plate arms with dragon wing fan plates. I suspect that they are seriously unhistoric... however seeing some of the crazy decorated armors out there I am not 100%
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Illusion makes armour for the rattan combat crowd (SCA).  I have some of their pieces and my personal opinion is:

- Reasonably priced
- Armour takes a licking
- Passes the "looks OK from 10' rule of thumb"
- Established, will not take your money and run

- LONG wait times
- Non-tempered steel
- Heavy
- Historical accuracy takes a back seat


--- Quote from: Sir Rodney on 2015-09-18, 03:57:00 ---
--- Quote from: westcoastgio on 2015-09-18, 03:16:28 ---I also found an internet smith at that makes a set of plate arms with dragon wing fan plates. I suspect that they are seriously unhistoric... however seeing some of the crazy decorated armors out there I am not 100%
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Illusion makes armour for the rattan combat crowd (SCA).  I have some of their pieces and my personal opinion is:

- Reasonably priced
- Armour takes a licking
- Passes the "looks OK from 10' rule of thumb"
- Established, will not take your money and run

- LONG wait times
- Non-tempered steel
- Heavy
- Historical accuracy takes a back seat

--- End quote ---

any smiths you suggest?

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: westcoastgio on 2015-09-18, 03:16:28 ---I really like the armet/closehelm, but so far I am only seeing it paired with asymmetrical pauldrons, and mitten gauntlets. is there a time and place where the Armet, or similar helm was worn with symmetrical pauldrons and finger gauntlets?

--- End quote ---

Italian style, 1450ish and up.

The asymmetrical pauldrons are for a lance rest / jousting harness. A foot combat harness would potentially have symmetrical pauldrons. Often depends on the purpose of the armor, though some foot combat armors may style be asymmetrical.

Lots of armors with armets that don't have mitten gauntlets. Italians have a "hybrid" style as well, with mitten style down to the first knuckle as an extended plate, but still having individual fingers.


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