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Author Topic: Combat of the Thirty Pennsic XLIV (video)  (Read 13662 times)


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Combat of the Thirty Pennsic XLIV (video)
« on: 2015-08-17, 18:19:44 »

From the video-
This is a film of a medieval fighting recreation inspired by the Combat of the Thirty (1351 AD) using modified SCA fighting rules. Fighters who are struck three stout blows to the head in one continuous fight are stunned and must yield and later give their ransom to their captor. Fighters who have three points of their body contacting the ground must yield. Opponents can be killed by a thrust to vital areas without metal armour or a bar grilled helm. Normal SCA blows to the body and the limbs have no affect.

Approximately 45 combatants took part. The French won this deed of arms. This event took place at the annual Pennsic War XLIV in August 2015. Please provide comments and ratings for feedback.

Camera: Brad Hruboska (Lord Travis Greywolfe)
Copyright 2015 Andrew Lowry alowry2002@yahoo.com
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Sir Rodney

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Re: Combat of the Thirty Pennsic XLIV (video)
« Reply #1 on: 2015-08-18, 03:55:25 »
I participated in a “Combat of the Thirty” scenario at Lilies War three years ago and it was a blast!  I managed to take one prisoner before I was taken down.
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Joshua Santana

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Re: Combat of the Thirty Pennsic XLIV (video)
« Reply #2 on: 2016-05-06, 01:46:05 »
Awesome video. 

I participated in a “Combat of the Thirty” scenario at Lilies War three years ago and it was a blast!  I managed to take one prisoner before I was taken down.

Glad you had a great time Sir Rodney.
Knight of The Lion Blade

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