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Author Topic: Youtube Channel  (Read 7945 times)

Sir Ulrich

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Youtube Channel
« on: 2015-07-26, 07:08:31 »
I was looking at many medieval youtube channels and not many of them cover armor as far as I've noticed. I was thinking of opening a channel covering armor and other medieval stuff with reviews similar to Skallagrim. He does a good channel but I notice he mostly covers weapons rather than armor. Me having more armor than I do weapons could probably do good job covering armor. Maybe even get associated with some youtubers with my videos. I might have to buy a high def webcam to attach to my laptop and clear some mirrors in my one room to have a proper backdrop or something. I was thinking of posting reviews on helmets, maille, coat of plates, plate armor, some albion swords, shields, gambesons, clothing ect. I just need to overcome my problem with being pressured when filmed. Any suggestions for this possible future youtube channel I was thinking of opening.


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Re: Youtube Channel
« Reply #1 on: 2015-07-26, 21:46:09 »
So you're joining the Dark Side?
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Sir Edward

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Re: Youtube Channel
« Reply #2 on: 2015-07-27, 19:45:11 »
That sounds like it could be fun.

Just one thing I want to point out: Posting things publicly will always garner some unpleasant feedback from people out there. Just be ready to handle the unwelcome criticism. :)
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Re: Youtube Channel
« Reply #3 on: 2015-07-27, 21:08:10 »
Go for it, I've run a youtube channel for like 8 years now that morphed from guitar stuff to mostly historical stuff, and I'm constantly asked very good questions.  If you keep it professional you'll see that you get a lot of interested people.  I just remove and block the asshats who act like idiots.  If you stay on top of it it's not too big of an issue.
My YouTube Channel - Knyght Errant
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Sir Patrick

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Re: Youtube Channel
« Reply #4 on: 2015-07-29, 19:58:29 »
I just remove and block the asshats who act like idiots.

For a medieval channel I believe the correct term is asschaperons...
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Re: Youtube Channel
« Reply #5 on: 2015-07-29, 20:50:51 »
If you make it post its name I will definitely subscribe
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