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Sadly enough now that Allan is out of business I am wondering already where I will be able to get my armor from. I am young and cant do $2000 pieces that's why Allan was so great he gave quality products at reasonable prices. If any of you have favorite armorers or companys or shops online you like please do not hesitate to mention them even If I end up not being able to afford them I can still dream haha

You may want to look at some of the Eastern European armorers out there.  Wild Armoury and Jolly Knight Armoury are two examples that turn out very nice work that is also very affordable depending on what types of styles and pieces you're after.  There are many others out there and others can chime in.

One thing to keep in mind, is that while armor is expensive, it's also not something you usually get very quickly.  It's definitely a long-game kind of project.  It's taken me years to get my kit together, and I'm still evolving it and replacing things as I learn more and have access to better information.  The point is, even if the armor is expensive, don't worry about what a whole kit will cost you, worry about it piece by piece and bite off a chunk at a time.  Buy the absolute best that you can afford, and even if it takes you a couple years to have the kit you want, you'll be much happier with it.  You'll also spend less money in the long run, because if you buy cheap to buy now, you will end up replacing everything and spending twice if not more.

I know people getting in to this don't want to hear "Have patience my friend,"  but if there's one piece of sage advice I think everyone one of us who have been doing and researching this for years now would say... it's that.

So much wisdom that I wish I had been told back in the beginning. I justify it to myself now by saying that it was all a learning experience, and there is a lot of truth to that - building one inferior kit after another - each one better than the last - is a great learning experience. But it more than doubled, possibly even trippled the long term cost of the "fully evolved" full harness. I put that in quotes because if you're really serious about armor it's never really finished evolving. The more you collect, the more you learn, and the more you learn the more you realize you want to change about your harness. And if you ever do actually get to the end, there's always the 15th century....

Also I think each enthusiast has their own slightly different perspective, born from our individual reasons for getting into this and the way we came into it, so our internal experiences and feelings about the journey of learning about armor will reflect our own unique  personal situations. But I would guess that for the majority the above would nonetheless hold true.


Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sampf on 2015-07-15, 03:02:01 ---Sadly enough now that Allan is out of business I am wondering already where I will be able to get my armor from. I am young and cant do $2000 pieces that's why Allan was so great he gave quality products at reasonable prices. If any of you have favorite armorers or companys or shops online you like please do not hesitate to mention them even If I end up not being able to afford them I can still dream haha

--- End quote ---

Try this guy for 14th century plate or splinted armor. I ordered both & his price plus quality is just right.

Since I am still young I really do not care for aesthetics and looks, as long as I can get hit in it and it resembles what I am after then I am really happy. For instance my helmet cost $150 and looks like what I am after plus I have been mercilessly beat in it and I am still alive haha

The reason I am not big on the expensive side yet is because I am young and despite already being 6 foot I am still growing so I am still waiting to get to my full height before getting a Major awesome kit otherwise I am afraid I may outgrow it.

I dread the day that I will outgrow allans awesome breastplate


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