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What is your medieval weapon of choice?

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Haha! While I don't think you can technically dual wield trebuchets, you are more than capable of having two trebuchets.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sampf on 2015-07-02, 04:14:30 ---If I was ranged however. I would want a longbow/war bow  why? Because English archers where feared because of their deadly accuracy and ability to take down ranks of lightly armored footmen from afar.
You had to be so strong just to fire one that they can Identify archers bodies by their enlarged shooting arm.
Now that's a weapon you don't want to see haha

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Close, but spine and shoulders, not arms.

Aside from the obvious question "What am I facing? What am I wearing?" before deciding. Still... I'd take a Poleaxe cause it brings da boom!

--- Quote from: Sampf on 2015-07-01, 04:01:24 ---Id use either a Messer for the fear factor and the fact that you can nearly slice a man in half with it. That thing is heavy with enough momentum and a sharp blade they are finished (not so good against armor but still)
--- End quote ---

Messer isn't that big. It's a late period one-handed peasants tool designed to get around sword laws. Thus why one need not worry about armor so much.

Good weapon and the stuff on it's use is fantastic, but not what you're thinking of.

(Note: Langes Messer means "Long Knife" and so some Messers are rather a bit shorter than this)

Sorry I meant a two handed messer but then if its one handed what am I thinking of, I have seen two handed things that people have called messers.
They usually look like this when I see them

Any input on what these might be would be much appreciated

Sir Nate:
Well there are messers and then there are falchions.
Falchions have a hilt assembled like a sword. Messers have a hilt like your common kitchen or really many knives. since the Hilt was not a sword hilt, it passed as a big knife.
The knecht is a messer. Here is a review on it by skallagrim


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