Main > The Armoury

What is your medieval weapon of choice?

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If you have a que at the end then you're not using it fast enough. :D

Sir Cedric:
That would be a queue, Thor.
But as it turns out, the technical term for "that pointy bit at the end" is "cue", because you're supposed to use it to play billiards.

And thus today we have proven that language is in fact the greatest weapon of all  ;D

The pen truly is mightier than the sword, but don't try to block a sword with a pen ;)

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2017-04-04, 00:34:29 ---If hammers have no class... and axes are for peasants.... then English Knights are well explained in their love of the hammer backed poleaxe.  ;D  ;D  ;D

Thank you, thank you! I'll be here all night!  :D

--- End quote ---

Oh, no you didn't?? Insulting my persona, heritage, and favorite weapon all in one line. Unforgivable.
A match is pending Thorsteinn assuming you are still within close proximity to the confinds of East Kingdom. :) Honor demands this!!! 


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