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A new toy for harnischfechten!

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Sir James A:
Sir Brian, did I mention that my nickname at HEMA class is harnishfechten?

Therefore, going by the title of this thread, you bought me a new toy........

Mike W.:
Much better than my nickname. In Civil War reenacting I earned the appellation of "Pickles" at my first event. I'll meet people I've never met before who'll say "Oh you're Pickles. I've heard about you." Very few people in that hobby actually know my name.

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Baron de Magnan on 2015-02-02, 15:32:52 ---Much better than my nickname. In Civil War reenacting I earned the appellation of "Pickles" at my first event. I'll meet people I've never met before who'll say "Oh you're Pickles. I've heard about you." Very few people in that hobby actually know my name.

--- End quote ---

Should I be so lucky as to get a nickname. Well my airsoft team calls me skippy

Sir Rodney:
“Rodney” was a nickname I picked up in junior high and carried through college.  There was more than one classmate our senior year who pointed out that the yearbook staff inserted the wrong name under my photo.  Of course, they hadn’t!   :)

Naturally I chose it as my SCA name.  Other than the SCA locals, everyone in the upper Midwest simply knows me as Rodney (as well as a few other names that are less than appropriate for this forum).   ;)

Nice dagger BTW.  We need some video of stabby stab!

Lord Dane:
Brian, I saw that very same Rondel dagger blunted on ebay for a decent price. How much was yours??


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