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Author Topic: Eastern cities opinion questions (maybe the east coast is where we're headed).  (Read 17272 times)


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Good to know Ian. :)

My cousin works in DC doing IT work & has tried to convince me it's nice, and it unfortunately may be nice for my wife's career (She's currently getting her Certified Sous Chef) but I hear it might drive us nuts with it's culture being scarily similar to NW Nevada or Southern Nevada in regards to the employment scene.

My dad & mom have visited Baltimore several times for work. My dad says it's a swamp where the humidity never settles, and my mom says the myopic nature of the people there (IE Reno, LA, The Bay Area, Elko, SLC, & Vegas are all just 2 hrs apart. Just ask them) can drive one nuts so we've crossed Baltimore off our list lest we absolutely have to go there.

Ian, you've been to my town (or at least to NAS Fallon IIRC). What large city would you recommend?
« Last Edit: 2015-01-26, 18:37:32 by Thorsteinn »
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The actual city of DC is nice if you stick to the capital area and surrounding nice parts.  There are also really *not nice* areas in DC, it's like most major cities so it has it's pros and cons.  The big cons of DC being traffic (worst I've ever seen in any major US city) and crime if you wind up in the wrong areas.  But DC has some very nice culture, especially in the food scene which would be great for your wife.

I've never lived in NC but I have friends living in the western part of NC and also in the Raleigh / Durham area and they all really like it.  I think Jorge on the forum lives in NC so he can speak more to that.

Obviously NYC is the penultimate in food when it comes to the US, but that's a major lifestyle change from anywhere out west.

I can't really speak to living anywhere north of the DC metro area because I haven't done so since I was a kid, so that experience doesn't really count (NYC area, Staten Island outside the city).

My stay in Reno was just for a weekend, so we only saw the touristy stuff.  I was there because I was doing an internship at Lawrence Livermore National Labs in CA during a summer while in college, and we took a trip to Reno for a long weekend, so I really have no idea what living in that area would be like.
« Last Edit: 2015-01-26, 19:15:35 by Ian »
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anything on I81 in VA is wonderful countryside.

nc is flat but western has the views and eastern has the beach

i repeat, stay out of maryland..... just dont do it.

wv is poor. no jobs or life here.

pa isn't a ton better.

Aiden of Oreland

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I love how everyone describes PA as that in between state. Nothing that bad but nothing too good.
« Last Edit: 2015-01-31, 02:02:23 by Page Aiden »
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Well remember that they used Nevada to train for Afghanistan for the past several years. So when folks say that Afghanistan's weather, climate, & terrain sucks it makes me think "I have to get out of this place".
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Sir Nate

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I love how everyone describes PA as that in between stay. Nothing that bad but nothing too good.
I know we need an Order Priory here.
Nathan Phillip Max
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So when folks say that Afghanistan's weather, climate, & terrain sucks it makes me think "I have to get out of this place".

I could say the same thing about Pennsylvania. ;)
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My usual advice about DC is that it's relatively nice if you stay outside the beltway. ;) There are exceptions (both ways) of course.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Lord Dane

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Well we prefer a large city that also is not like California in it's laws. Doesn't that leave Boston out? (I dunno)

What about Providence? Anything worth living in New Jersey over?

I work in Boston. Lots of options and NOT Cali. We are a different liberal. lol
Providence is a nice city but the current Governor sucks!!!
New Jersey: anywhere but CAMDEN.
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