Main > The Courtyard

Longpoint 2015

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Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Sir James A on 2015-04-01, 02:15:05 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Naythan on 2015-03-31, 23:12:31 ---Congratulations on getting Accepted
Wait, isn't there a guy that swings so hard he bends the swords? (or is that another Longsword/harnesfechten event?)

--- End quote ---

That was Shortpoint last year. In unarmored combat.

--- End quote ---
So if someone made a slight mistake..... Ouch....

Sir Brian:
The pool lists are up!

Lucky you Sir Edward! You get to face Axel in the first round pools!  ;)

Sir Edward:

Yep, I'm gonna die. :)

LOL, at least I get my wish of fighting a few times, and washing out, so I can go do other things. :) I'm more focused on the Passage anyway.

Man, this has been a crazy-busy week. I haven't even been on the forum since probably the middle of last week. Last week we did a ton of yard/house work to prepare for my wife's family arriving, and of course they picked the same week that we have Longpoint. So I've been dong family things all week, just in time to run to Longpoint for a couple of days. Whew.

I may plan to do nothing but sleep next week. :)

Sir Brian:
Here is a link to the recorded live stream of the finals. Sir Edward and I are in some awesome seats one row back from ringside! :)

Sir Edward:

Quick and dirty hack of a web page, but here are video recordings of the armored combat from Friday:


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