Main > The Courtyard

Longpoint 2015

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Contact Ben Mitchels or Bill Frisbee.  I'm sure they'll be able to get in touch with Jessica.

Sir James A:
I got squared away. Thanks.

Sir Edward:
Yeah, I was going to say, feel free to name-drop me all you want. :)

I ordered an Albion Liechtenauer, and they're pretty sure they can get it to me in time. Otherwise they're satisfied with my gear (or at least, didn't have any complaints at DoK).

Sir Nate:
Congratulations on getting Accepted
Wait, isn't there a guy that swings so hard he bends the swords? (or is that another Longsword/harnesfechten event?)

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Naythan on 2015-03-31, 23:12:31 ---Congratulations on getting Accepted
Wait, isn't there a guy that swings so hard he bends the swords? (or is that another Longsword/harnesfechten event?)

--- End quote ---

That was Shortpoint last year. In unarmored combat.


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