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Longpoint 2015

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Huge congratulations to Sirs Brian, Ed and James in their participation in this year's longpoint!  Well fought to each and every one of you.  The armored combat looked awesome, and I understand you guys kicked ass in longsword as well!  Huzzah!!!

Sir Rodney:
All I can say is … Wow!  Nice job gentleman.   :)

Lord Dane:
Saw the recordings. Outstanding job!! :) :) Must be great to take part in that event. Good memories & well-fought, gentlemen.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2015-07-27, 21:05:15 ---Huge congratulations to Sirs Brian, Ed and James in their participation in this year's longpoint!  Well fought to each and every one of you.  The armored combat looked awesome, and I understand you guys kicked ass in longsword as well!  Huzzah!!!

--- End quote ---

Thanks. Unfortunately I couldn't bring home a medal for the Order; I lost 3rd by 1 point with only a couple seconds left. But I had an absolute blast!

Sir Edward:

Chiming in a little late (out of town plus catching up at work, etc). It was a blast! We were absolutely dead tired during the fights. The air conditioning doesn't help as much as you expect it to, and those 2-minute fights are brutally long. It feels like an eternity.

What I find amusing about the videos is how "nonchalant" we appear to be. In the armor, it felt quite violent and tiring. But from the outside, it's like we just calmly walk up and stick the weapon into the other guy. Heh. :)


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