Main > The Great Hall


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Sir Douglas:
I have a childhood buddy who now lives in Bozeman. Small world. :)

Aiden of Oreland:
Hail and well met! The path of chivalry is a great one! Feel free to ask any of us questions if you need help. Wow I didn't even know you could change the color :o

Lord Chagatai:
Welcome and well met!!!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Sir Patrick:
Hail and well met. Both fonts looked fine to me, but then again I am colorblind...

Sir Edward:

Welcome to the forum! Feel free to ask any and all questions. Everyone here loves to talk about these topics, otherwise they wouldn't be here. :)

The "cold steel" plastic trainers (I'm assuming that's what you were referring to) are great to start with, in the respect that they're ridiculously cheap. Their weight and balance is all wrong though, so when you're ready to work with a training partner, or a pell, and want to develop good muscle memory, you might want something a little better. You don't have to dump a lot of money all at once though. The "Purple Heart" type-3 synthetics have a more realistic balance to them, but cost about $125. That's still not bad, of course, since you can spend a lot more if you want to.


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