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I decided last week that not knowing how to use a sword and shield was lame. I've always been interested in medieval weapons, armor, Knights, Chivalry and the like. A great deal of the interest is born out of Fantasy genre novels and video-games. Not to long ago I started thinking up my Bucket List; and SnS proficiency, armor smithing, bow crafting and fletching, and training a battle horse are just a few items on it. I will be turning 23 in Sept. A few of my friends in their 40's and 50's often complain about what they didn't do in their youth. So I said, f**k it, why not now. But, as up until this point it was all just a whim in my head, I really don't know where to start.
 I've looked up my local SCA chapter. While their blacksmithing looks cool, and they appear to try very hard to be as historically correct as possible, I'm not terribly impressed with their combat activities... Right now I want to just focus on getting some basic SnS practice. Get comfortable with the sword and shield on my person and get all of the "WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO I'VE GOT A SWORD!!! BWAHAHAHA" out of my system before I am seen in public...... But eventually I really do want to strait up get my Knighthood on. Renaissance Fairs and all that. I was reading The Code from this Forum, and not to get to deep, but I really felt every aspect call out to me. As a fledgling Christian, I think becoming a true Paladin would be really cool and this whole life event could be very, very fun! Who knows, I might have myself buried with my armor and arms. Or do the boat thing like Boromir!
I really do have a twisted sense of humor. I'm really curious and have TONS of questions! This is my first forum, sooo bare with me?
I've decided to start with a hand and a half & heater combo. Thoughts? I want to hand craft my own EVERYTHING, but I might buy a ColdSteel trainer soon. I really have no idea on how to start self training, but I haven't looked into that as I have actually yet to get any training equipment...
I am so glad to have found this site and am really looking forward to meeting you all!

Sir Brian:
Hail and well met! Welcome to the forum and your start onto a path of chivalry.  :)

May I ask from what region do you reside? If you live near an existing study group or school for Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA), also known as Western Martial Arts (WMA) then you could readily get started with your training.

A quick suggestion about posting all in green. Although me of all people LOVE the color choice, it is a bit difficult and distracting to read. ;)

Sir Wolf:

I will be in Bozeman MT at the end of the summer. For now I am in Virginia City MT for summer work.

Welcome! Bozeman has a bigger SCA group, and I'm probably the closest Order member to you (Reno, NV).

Feel free to ask any questions!

BTW Red isn't better. Black is nice. :)


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