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Lord Dane:
Hail and welcome to the forum.

Sir Nate:
Welcome To the Forum!


--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2014-06-15, 01:36:47 ---
The "cold steel" plastic trainers (I'm assuming that's what you were referring to) are great to start with, in the respect that they're ridiculously cheap. Their weight and balance is all wrong though, so when you're ready to work with a training partner, or a pell, and want to develop good muscle memory, you might want something a little better. You don't have to dump a lot of money all at once though. The "Purple Heart" type-3 synthetics have a more realistic balance to them, but cost about $125. That's still not bad, of course, since you can spend a lot more if you want to.

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Oh! Super glad you  told me that! I wanted the trainer to start, you know, training with. If the balence is wrong, that would defeat why I wanted to get them. I am a firm believer in doing it right the first time if you can. So I would rather save up more money and get a great, if expensive, trainer right off the bat, instead of an inexpensive that won't do me any real good. If you have any other suggestions for trainer hand and a half swords or heater shields, I would Love to hear them!

Aiden of Oreland:

--- Quote from: Lord_Owen_Token on 2014-06-15, 15:20:23 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2014-06-15, 01:36:47 ---
The "cold steel" plastic trainers (I'm assuming that's what you were referring to) are great to start with, in the respect that they're ridiculously cheap. Their weight and balance is all wrong though, so when you're ready to work with a training partner, or a pell, and want to develop good muscle memory, you might want something a little better. You don't have to dump a lot of money all at once though. The "Purple Heart" type-3 synthetics have a more realistic balance to them, but cost about $125. That's still not bad, of course, since you can spend a lot more if you want to.

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Oh! Super glad you  told me that! I wanted the trainer to start, you know, training with. If the balence is wrong, that would defeat why I wanted to get them. I am a firm believer in doing it right the first time if you can. So I would rather save up more money and get a great, if expensive, trainer right off the bat, instead of an inexpensive that won't do me any real good. If you have any other suggestions for trainer hand and a half swords or heater shields, I would Love to hear them!

--- End quote ---

I think this is a perfect opportunity for you to get a taste of the forum structure. Head on over to the Armory and make a post!


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