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Author Topic: Leather purse  (Read 36901 times)


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Leather purse
« on: 2014-05-28, 16:35:56 »
This is the start of a leather purse.  The covering flap will be lined and pocketed with linen on the inside, and everything will be hand assembled.  So far all I've done is cut out the pattern from the leather and tooled the exterior of the front flap in preparation for dying.

I've not decided what color, but I'm thinking oxblood.

The leather is cased by dampening it with a wet paper towel (do not soak the leather).  Then set the leather aside and wait for it to begin to return to its natural color.  Once this has occurred, it is ready for tooling.  (If you try to stamp dry leather it won't leave deep impressions, and if it's too wet they won't stick).  I used a straight edge and a stylus to impress the crossing lines on to the surface of the leather.  Then I hand-stamped the fleur-de-lis in to the resulting diamonds using a stamp and a maul.  Then I went back over the impressed lines and incised them using a swivel-knife.  The next step will be to dye the individual pieces of the purse.

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Re: Leather purse
« Reply #1 on: 2014-05-28, 17:43:48 »
Wow!! 8)
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Re: Leather purse
« Reply #2 on: 2014-05-28, 18:09:16 »

Holy crap, that's a nice start!
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Re: Leather purse
« Reply #3 on: 2014-05-28, 19:05:46 »
Please stop making so much awesome stuff. I'm becoming envious of your skill, and that's not knightly. :)
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Re: Leather purse
« Reply #4 on: 2014-05-28, 21:12:28 »
I support Sir Ian for Order craftsman and historical tailor. That is nice work.
« Last Edit: 2014-05-29, 06:39:47 by Lord Dane »
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Re: Leather purse
« Reply #5 on: 2014-05-29, 00:14:27 »
i have never used a swivel knife. is it just like a creaser or is more like a knife?
also, have you ever beveled your edges?


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Re: Leather purse
« Reply #6 on: 2014-05-29, 00:17:49 »
i have never used a swivel knife. is it just like a creaser or is more like a knife?
also, have you ever beveled your edges?

The swivel knife has a very sharp straight blade on it that you draw towards yourself and cut in to the leather.  Your finger sits in the yoke at the top and you grip the barrel with your thumb and middle finger, and it freely swivels you can cut curves.

The edges on this purse are way too thin to bevel, it's only 2-3 oz leather.  Most of the edges will be invisible too since it will be sewn and turned.
« Last Edit: 2014-05-29, 00:18:18 by Ian »
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Re: Leather purse
« Reply #7 on: 2014-05-29, 02:37:58 »
These are such beautiful pieces your making! And in a rather fast paste. How much are you charging for these purses, pouches, and sheaths? Because your are incredible and would love to order one when my wallet is a bit fatter.
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Re: Leather purse
« Reply #8 on: 2014-05-29, 18:39:18 »
Thank you Sir Aiden.  I've been making all of these for my own kit, so I have yet to sell any pieces.  I really have no idea what they're worth.  I could tell you what similar pieces sell for by different merchants, but the ones I'm trying to emulate obviously have a lot more experience than me and thus provide a cleaner more finished product.

My goal is to create items without historical compromise, or at the very least with only unavoidable historical compromise.  I would always be willing to provide documentation to justify a particular design or construction method if available.  All of my leatherwork is completely hand made and thus not 'machine-perfect.'  The designs I use are based on historical examples.  Purses are one of those areas much like shoes, that you really can't find a historically designed one on the mass market without paying a lot.  The closest ones to historical designs are by Lorifactor that I've seen.
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Sir William

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Re: Leather purse
« Reply #9 on: 2014-05-29, 18:41:48 »
Nice, very nice Sir Ian.
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Re: Leather purse
« Reply #10 on: 2014-05-29, 18:54:16 »
Thank you Sir Aiden.  I've been making all of these for my own kit, so I have yet to sell any pieces.  I really have no idea what they're worth.  I could tell you what similar pieces sell for by different merchants, but the ones I'm trying to emulate obviously have a lot more experience than me and thus provide a cleaner more finished product.

My goal is to create items without historical compromise, or at the very least with only unavoidable historical compromise.  I would always be willing to provide documentation to justify a particular design or construction method if available.  All of my leatherwork is completely hand made and thus not 'machine-perfect.'  The designs I use are based on historical examples.  Purses are one of those areas much like shoes, that you really can't find a historically designed one on the mass market without paying a lot.  The closest ones to historical designs are by Lorifactor that I've seen.

I would choose hand made any day, plus it creates a more personal value to it. That's one of the reasons your pieces are so marvelous, its as accurate as you are capable of getting them. One thing I noticed is that you have a very keen eye for things. It can be seen in your pieces and photography.
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Re: Leather purse
« Reply #11 on: 2014-05-30, 04:15:08 »
I would choose hand made any day, plus it creates a more personal value to it. That's one of the reasons your pieces are so marvelous, its as accurate as you are capable of getting them. One thing I noticed is that you have a very keen eye for things. It can be seen in your pieces and photography.

Very well said.  Any product that is handmade will have slight imperfections that make it perfect.
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Re: Leather purse
« Reply #12 on: 2014-06-02, 22:58:21 »
Dyed oxblood.  A few coats gave it a deeper richer hue.

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Re: Leather purse
« Reply #13 on: 2014-06-02, 23:37:12 »
Looks great, Ian - where are you getting the buckles from?  Also, going with linen lining?
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Re: Leather purse
« Reply #14 on: 2014-06-03, 00:01:05 »
Looks great, Ian - where are you getting the buckles from?  Also, going with linen lining?

Yes to the linen lining.  This will not be buckled.
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