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Author Topic: gauntlet mounting...  (Read 8124 times)


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gauntlet mounting...
« on: 2009-02-15, 21:30:50 »
Okay, so I have this sweet stainless pair of finger gauntlets and have to figure a way to
attach them to a pair of gloves without resorting to " the mitten tactic" whereby I'd lose
all the finger dexterity. Any suggestions anyone? ???

Sir Wolf

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Re: gauntlet mounting...
« Reply #1 on: 2009-02-15, 22:23:16 »
got a picture of the gauntlets? or ones like them? do they move on leather for the finger articulation?


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Re: gauntlet mounting...
« Reply #2 on: 2009-02-16, 13:56:38 »
Yes Sir Wolf, each one of the fingers is attached to a strip of leather running the length of the finger. They are the gothic finger gauntlets by Armstreet. Well-made,
just no attaching options.....

Sir Wolf

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Re: gauntlet mounting...
« Reply #3 on: 2009-02-17, 03:19:55 »

like this?

ok heres what you do. u need to sew your finger tips to the ends of the leather on the finger lames. you can do this by getting a sewing awl from wal mart or jo ann fabrics etc. just stitch it to it.  some people also stitch where the palm straps touch on the gauntlets as well, so the glove does not move, other people don't stich the palm area but choose to rivet the cuff of the glove to the bottom edge of the duff of the gauntlet.


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Re: gauntlet mounting...
« Reply #4 on: 2009-02-17, 11:00:48 »
Yep, that's them! Sounds like a good plan. What type of stitching material should I use?
Going to have to be something strong, yet able to be "stitched" through the glove.... :)

Sir Wolf

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Re: gauntlet mounting...
« Reply #5 on: 2009-02-17, 11:50:23 »
http://crafts.benfranklin.com/LOCK-STITCH-SEWING-AWL/M/B00114RNR2.htm something like this is what your after. it usually comes with heavy waxed thread. or if u can do it witha needle isuggest getting the heavy waxed thread from wal mart. comes in white or black in a ring of say 25 ft i think.

Allan Senefelder

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Re: gauntlet mounting...
« Reply #6 on: 2009-02-17, 15:37:45 »
The rivets for articualation don't appear to be slotted so unless I miss my guess you'll probably want to do what people have had us do to several pairs of the Moore brothers ( the now defunked KNights Armoury) gothic gauntlets, which is take them appart and slot the rivet holes so that you will have the ability to bend your wrist left and right. Because this style of gauntlet is strapped to the upper wrist ( vs bell cuffed or hour glass cuffed gauntlets where the glove is not just stiched in at the fingers but also riveted in at the cuff to secure it to the hand and the range of the motion for the wrist is had more through the large area inside the cuff allowing the wrist to " swirel " around in it) it will act some what like a splint without the slot rivets to allow the wrist to move left and right. You'll have the ability to move the wrist up and down but left to right will have some restriction. The three paris of Moore brothers gothic gauntlest i've redone, the customers also requested a second belt and buckle near the wrist.


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Re: gauntlet mounting...
« Reply #7 on: 2009-02-17, 22:41:08 »
Actually, these gauntlets aren't for combat, so I'm going to for-go busting them apart to
slot the rivets. I actually have pretty good movement as they are. The strap and buckle
at the "hourglass" of the wrist was the first thing I did. Then, I rounded out the curve of the cuff....


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Re: gauntlet mounting...
« Reply #8 on: 2009-02-18, 14:28:30 »
Okay Allan, with your experience, who makes a good glove suitable to do this?
I have a pair of deerskin that are way to soft and supple. Who makes a good glove that would be ideal for this? :)

Allan Senefelder

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Re: gauntlet mounting...
« Reply #9 on: 2009-02-18, 14:59:40 »
I would say the nicest gloves we've had some one send us to install for them were the ones Revival Clothing makes. We've also had people send us the MRL Swordsmans gloves to install although the leather is just a hair thinner that Revival's. You don't need a cuffed glove for these if you don't want one ( you've not going to be riveting the cuff of the glove in at the cuff of the gauntlet so the long cuff ins't necessary) so even a nice supple pair of deerskin driving gloves ( they usually have these in the work glove section of harware stores but for some reason always call thye deerskin ones " driving gloves" I think it has to do with truckers using them or something) would serve you purpose here.


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Re: gauntlet mounting...
« Reply #10 on: 2009-02-18, 17:24:07 »
Cool! Thanks a bunch! I work at an industrial supply co. so I'll have to check out our driving gloves.
They're called "drivers gloves" as they are commonly used by forklift drivers, etc....Just a BTW... ;D