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2 excellent Plantagenet Books!

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Greetings to all,

I recently got my hands on 2 books specifically about the Plantagenet family of monarchs, who , in my opinion, were the greatest of all kings and the true stars of the High Middle Ages.

The first book I acquired is "The Plantagenet Chronicles", by Derek Wilson which covers every king from Henry II to Richard III. This book is AMAZING!! It has tons of detailed info and a LOT of pictures from manuscripts over various centuries in the middle ages.

The second book is simply titled, "The Plantagenets" by Dan Jones, which is a bestseller if I'm not mistaken. Not as many pictures in this one, but it's a slightly easier read and packed with information.

I definetly recommend checking them out!

The second b

Also my favorite line of Royals!  I'll have to check these out.

Sir Douglas:
I think I may have recently seen The Plantagenet Chronicles at the Half Price Book store. I'll have to see if it's still there the next time I'm up that way.

Sir Rodney:
I’ll second your recommendation of “The Plantagenet Chronicles" by Derek Wilson.

I was familiar with just bits and pieces until this book helped me put it all together chronologically.  There were some messed up dudes in that bunch!   :o

Sir Nate:
Do These books at all cover how the kings of that time Lived? Daily lives and things of that sort. Ive recently Decided I need to Learn more on medieval culture and overall Lifestyle, Not just Crusades, Battles in Eras, Arms and armor, etc.
Ill also get these to expand my knowledge of Kings of that time.


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