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2 excellent Plantagenet Books!

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Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2014-04-08, 17:49:22 ---The Wilson book is not available for Kindle; grrrrrr.

--- End quote ---
You know I once said the difference between a book and nook/ kindle is that I can't pick up a 100 year old nook, open it has blow dust off of it and begin reading.

Mike W.:
You also can't get used $30 e-books at a library basement sale for $1.

The Plantagenet books do cover as much as their daily lives as a book on a family empire could. If you want to focus on one specific monarch, there are countless biographies on most of the best ones. Richard I is again my favorite, the facts, not so much the fantasy aspect of him. The Angevin Empire just totally blows me away, being king of england plus Duke of Aquitaine, Normandy, Anjou and Potiers, I believe. So much property, so little time! As far as good factual fiction, the Sharon K. Penman novels are fantastic. I'm reading "A King's Ransom" now and it kicks so much arse.


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