Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Medieval Art

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Sir Wolf:
love photography. just not that good or up to date anymore since being the yearbook editor in high school

Sir Douglas:

--- Quote from: Baron de Magnan on 2014-03-04, 00:20:20 ---Your work reminds me of a photographer who used a Civil War-era camera to take tin-types of his comrades in Afghanistan.

--- End quote ---

THAT is really cool. They look like normal greyscale photos at first, but then you realize...no, something's a little different about them.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Baron de Magnan on 2014-03-04, 00:20:20 ---Your work reminds me of a photographer who used a Civil War-era camera to take tin-types of his comrades in Afghanistan.

--- End quote ---

That's great! I love seeing these kinds of photography projects.

Mike W.:
Considering that the Maciejowski Bible depicted ancient events with contemporary soldiers, I'm a bit tempted to illustrate a passage using modern US military troops as the subjects. Nothing quite like David, Saul, and Apache Helicopters.

Lord Dane:
Ian is one of the only guys here that pulls his photo-ops with ease with genuine authenticity. He shows the true love & look of medieval historia. 


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