Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Medieval Art

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Aiden of Oreland:
Haha I did this in the middle of English class a few weeks ago. maybe I'll actually finish it lol

I don't draw very frequently, but my medium of artistic expression is photography.  These are medieval in nature, and you've seen them if you're on facebook.  So I will slap them in this thread as my 'medieval art.'

The first two are kind of 'Medieval Noir' and go together... :)


"Golden Spurs"

And a more cheerful entry:

Mike W.:
I've always been a fan of photography. I do really like the blend of medieval subjects with a modern medium.

Mike W.:
Your work reminds me of a photographer who used a Civil War-era camera to take tin-types of his comrades in Afghanistan.


--- Quote from: Baron de Magnan on 2014-03-04, 00:20:20 ---Your work reminds me of a photographer who used a Civil War-era camera to take tin-types of his comrades in Afghanistan.

--- End quote ---

Oh wow, that's really awesome!  You see so many people trying to fake civil war imagery for their LH Civil War kits, and that gets old... but to see the juxtaposition of a modern military subject on a 19th century medium is pretty cool!


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